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there are two folders of the same name on my cache drive, please help!


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so I had a folder called apps on my cache drive which housed my Plex data. I was setting up Plex, converting from plugin to docker, and the tutorial called for the folder to be called Apps (capital A). The folder permissions were causing me trouble renaming the folder so I changed permissions on the folder and I renamed it to Apps. Now I have two folders called a(A)pps on the cache drive. if you click on the folder with the lower case a it will instantly rename to Apps.  they both have the same contents. in addition I have two shares that show up in my unraid web manager, one Apps and the other apps. sometimes the apps share will disappear. I've deleted the old Plex phaze plugin. I've tried stopping the docker app to try to correct this mess but haven't got it figured out yet. Not sure how to fix this or what mess I made!



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I did the same thing with a backup and Backup folder! I'm a windows guy and didn't even realize this was possible. I was able to use putty to telnet in and run mc as suggested above and fix it with Midnight Commander.


If I didn't have everything all setup on my server I would just stick to naming any folder in all small letters to avoid this.

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