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More Questions on Container Volume Mapping


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I have read many many guides for noobs and best practices for containers volumes but I have several questions and one problem.  So far I have set up my volumes like this .....


/unraid_Media                 /mnt/user/Media/

/config                         /mnt/cache/appdata/XXXX (XXXX = sabnzbd, emby, plex, etc)

/unraid_Downloads         /mnt/cache/Downloads


Q1 -  By default and in some guides I keep seeing /opt/xxxx as a path used for "Host path" - what is "opt" ?  Where is it ?  Why would I use it ? 


Q2 - Since the cache is unprotected, why are we keeping the config files there ?


Bitching - containers kept creating shares, some weren't cache only, I had a hell of a time "cleaning up" .... then my final clean up version created - the problem ....


Problem - I kept getting the error "Data directory: /config must be writable (write permissions). Exiting" in sickbeard with the config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/sickbeard    ..... I have solved it and it must be mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/sickbeard/


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Do you have your appdata and Downloads user shares set to cache-only? If not mover will move them to the array and will break your dockers.


Q1 - Do you have a specific example? I have never seen /opt as a Host path. Perhaps you mean as a container volume. Many linux distros have an /opt but unRAID does not. If a container needs an /opt volume mapping you would map it to somewhere on unRAID. This depends on the specific docker.


Q2 - If you keep config files on an array drive, they will keep both that drive and parity spinning, and will also be slower. It is possible to have protected cache if you set up a cache pool.


Bitching - Any folder at the root of cache or an array disk is automatically considered a user share by unRAID. The solution to keep the containers from creating shares is to map them to use subfolders of existing user shares, such as /mnt/cache/appdata/XXXX as you said.


Problem - Not sure about your sickbeard issue. There is no logical difference between /mnt/cache/appdata/sickbeard and /mnt/user/appdata/sickbeard. Suspect you have misdiagnosed your problem and solution.


One other thing since you were probably having an issue related to cache-only. You must go to each of your array drives and delete any folder that should be cache-only.

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Q1 - Do you have a specific example? I have never seen /opt as a Host path. Perhaps you mean as a container volume. Many linux distros have an /opt but unRAID does not. If a container needs an /opt volume mapping you would map it to somewhere on unRAID. This depends on the specific docker.


HurricaneHernandez' Ubooquity Template has a /opt for the default host path. 
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Q1 - Do you have a specific example? I have never seen /opt as a Host path. Perhaps you mean as a container volume. Many linux distros have an /opt but unRAID does not. If a container needs an /opt volume mapping you would map it to somewhere on unRAID. This depends on the specific docker.


HurricaneHernandez' Ubooquity Template has a /opt for the default host path.

I use that docker but I must have changed that host path long ago. I see looking at the template at his github that what you say is true, but why? unRAID doesn't have /opt.
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Q1 - Do you have a specific example? I have never seen /opt as a Host path. Perhaps you mean as a container volume. Many linux distros have an /opt but unRAID does not. If a container needs an /opt volume mapping you would map it to somewhere on unRAID. This depends on the specific docker.


HurricaneHernandez' Ubooquity Template has a /opt for the default host path.

I use that docker but I must have changed that host path long ago. I see looking at the template at his github that what you say is true, but why? unRAID doesn't have /opt.

Maybe just to see if you're awake  :o
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Thanks for the replies, all is well now just a bit confusing.  I don't use opt anymore and I don't know why, but I have done the steps below to confirm my problem and solution:


Sickbeard is working fine.

Edit Volume Mappings and change Container Volume /config to map to /mnt/cache/appdata/sickbeard - Web UI is not available, sickbeard does not run

Change back to mape /config to /mnt/user/appdata/sickbeard/ and it is all good.


Now, the container has no problem accessing a host path mapped as /mnt/cache/Downloads but the /config container volume won't work without being routed through /mnt/user


but as I said, all is working now.






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