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Move cache drive with VM to another server


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How do I make my second unRaid server see a VM created on my first server.  I have phyically moved the cache drive from one server to another, but unRaid doesn't see the already existing VM on the moved cache drive.  I can easily create a new VM, but the existing one is setup the way I want it to run. 


The VM was created on an AMD motherboard that didn't support passthrough, but the new server is all ready to go with pass-through and I want that VM to be run with passed through video.


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You can do two things.

1. Make a new VM and in the primary vdisk location you choose the vdisk that you have on the moved cache disk.

2. View the XML file of the old VM if you still have the server running, copy the text and make a new VM on the new server choosing XML expert as template and paste the text.

If you do it this way you have to use the cache disk from the old server as a cache disk in the new server. If not, you must edit the path to the vdisk.

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