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Parity Drive Failed


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Hello Team,


My parity drive started playing up a few days ago, I noticed that the drive had disabled itself and had failed SMART. I decided to restart the server and the parity disk was now listed as a new drive so I started the array and completed a parity sync. That was all fine except the drive disabled itself again about a day later.


I purchased a new 3TB WD Red drive to replace it. When I started the server, the drive was listed as a new, I assigned it as parity and started the array and it's currently going through a parity sync. The parity drive status has a yellow bubble (invalid data content), which aligns with the details on the unRaid wiki, however it's showing as faulty on the Dynamix Dashboard. I've attached screenshots of the two screens, Is that right?


Sorry if this is an obvious questions, the parity failure threw me a bit and just want to make sure it's going smoothly or if there's another issue.





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Thanks, it's still doing the parity sync but hasn't thrown up any errors.


I didn't clear the drive, I was under the impression that the parity sync would give it a good going over anyway. I know it wouldn't harm it to to a clear anyway but I needed to get the server up and running again.


Would it be possible to clear the old drive and do another SMART test  to confirm if it was actually defective or not and then upgrade one of my smaller drives if it wasn't, or is that not advised?

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Would it be possible to clear the old drive and do another SMART test  to confirm if it was actually defective or not and then upgrade one of my smaller drives if it wasn't, or is that not advised?

Depending on exactly why it was failing, it may or may not be a waste of time. Do you know what smart attribute was involved and what its value was?
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