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cannot copy to a shared folder


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Hi all,


I have a problem with a shared folder. It is named as Video Music covering 3 folders Video Music on 3 disks. All 3 disks have free space. Copying to all other shared folders is good but with the Video Music folder, that operation fails. Each time I copy from other computer (Windows 7, windows 10 and windows xp) to Video Music folder, it shows a notice : "Destination Folder Access Denied. You need permission to perform this action".   

I have run new permission but nothing changes.

Can someone guide me how to solve this issue? I attach here the log file for sharing in case you need.


Thank a lot in advance





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Saw this

Sep  2 06:35:19 Tower emhttp: unclean shutdown detected
Sep  2 06:35:19 Tower kernel: mdcmd (16): check CORRECT
Sep  2 06:35:19 Tower kernel: md: recovery thread woken up ...

but didn't notice this

Sep  2 06:35:19 Tower kernel: md: recovery thread has nothing to resync


You still must stop before reboot or shutdown

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear All,


My problem remains. Anybody, please help.





Did the diagnostics file you posted earlier cover a period where the problem was occurring?  It seemed to only cover a short period from an initial boot.  If it did not cover a period where you were experiencing the problem, perhaps you could post another one that does.

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