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Running from other than a flash drive


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My system has a 120 Gig HDD that is not seen by the Unraid system, that is it is unassigned. It has a grub boot loader, a copy of win XP and a copy of Ubuntu.


Is there any way I can place the unraid system on that drive and have GRUB load it from that drive and have unraid happily running.  I really don't want to buy a new mobo, CPU, memory, . . .

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Is there any way I can place the unraid system on that drive and have GRUB load it from that drive and have unraid happily running.  I really don't want to buy a new mobo, CPU, memory, . . .

As was mentioned even though it is technically possible to load unRAID system from another device, you still need the flash drive to be present while unRAID is running.  Why does needing to have a flash drive used to load unRAID mean that you will need any of this?  You do not actually mention why you have a problem with using the flash drive?


One reason I could think of is that for some reason your motherboard cannot boot from a flash drive?  In such a case I guess loading from a HDD, but having the flash drive available when unRAID looks for it is viable although a little tricky to set up. 


Another one might be that for some strange reason you want a multi-boot system but this would be very strange for an unRAID system.  A better solution would be to boot into unRAID so the NAS functionality is always there and then run the other OS as VM's under unRAID.


EDIT:  I see from another post that you may have a problem with booting from the flash drive.  In such a case booting via grub would be a viable workaround as long as the system can see the USB drive after the boot has happened as unRAID will not work if it cannot be found.  This is akin to the way many users running unRAID under VMWare do the initial boot from a .vmdk virtual disk which then picks up the USB drive for subsequent running.


If you do go down this route and get it working, then please keep notes on the details as it would be useful information to add to the wiki.

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Yes I just want to boot from the HDD as a workaround.  The system can read and write flash drives with no issues.The flash drives I have will boot into other systems. I just took out my Grub documentation and will start reading.  It will be a while.  Any help/advice will be appreciated. I wish there was a tutorial on this.  If I get it t work I will carefully document what I did for others.

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