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Old user new to v6 simple questions


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Parity is being built. In the dashboard the parity drive has a fault indicator (a triangle in the fault row0 hat does that mean? Should I be concerned? One other drive  in the has a red thumbs down in the SMART status row, All others are green Thumbs Up.  Meaning? Concerns?


The old 2TB parity drive (currently unassigned) that I am replacing with a 3TB drive: should I Preclear it?  I thought that unraid did that automatically now. How do I add it back to the array as a valid drive? The same question for the 3TB new drive that has not yet been pre-cleared and is unassigned.   

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Parity is being built. In the dashboard the parity drive has a fault indicator (a triangle in the fault row0 hat does that mean? Should I be concerned? One other drive  in the has a red thumbs down in the SMART status row, All others are green Thumbs Up.  Meaning? Concerns?


The old 2TB parity drive (currently unassigned) that I am replacing with a 3TB drive: should I Preclear it?  I thought that unraid did that automatically now. How do I add it back to the array as a valid drive? The same question for the 3TB new drive that has not yet been pre-cleared and is unassigned. 

If you hover over the thumbs down symbol it will probably tell you that it has x number of reallocated sectors.  On subsequent reloads of the dashboard, it *should* go green and then turn red again if the attributes which unRaid monitors change.


Ideally, all new drives should be precleared so you know if there are any issues with the drive before adding it.  If you ADD a new drive (not replace an existing one) and it is not precleared, then unRaid will clear it for you (will take hours) during which time the array is not available.  But, for parity drives this is not strictly necessary

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