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Unable to access GUI after upgrade to 6.1.3, can telnet and ping


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Looking through the syslog there is no sign of the web GUI (emhttp) ever being started.  Also the 'config' folder in the diagnostics ZIP is empty which is wrong.   


You might need to put the USB stick into a Windows/Mac system to check it is OK and that the config folder is intact and has content.


Thanks for your reply.


The USB appears fine and the config folder has content.

Then there is something else going wrong.


If you have console (or telnet) access perhaps you should run the command

ls -l /boot/config

to confirm that the content agrees with what you see when you look at the USB stick under Windows,


It could also be worth booting in safe mode (from the boot menu) to see if that makes a difference  - it is possible that you have a plugin installed that is not compatible with this release?


Decided on some old school hardware troubleshooting, so I pulled the SATA card and the server was reachable through the GUI.


I reinstalled the card and pulled the drives - still working.

Put in my 4 WD RED drives - still working.

Put in my Samsung SSD for cache - DEAD!


Looks like the new SSD I bought is no good!


Decided on some old school hardware troubleshooting, so I pulled the SATA card and the server was reachable through the GUI.


I reinstalled the card and pulled the drives - still working.

Put in my 4 WD RED drives - still working.

Put in my Samsung SSD for cache - DEAD!


Looks like the new SSD I bought is no good!


Good to hear that you found the problem, but shouldn't you say that in the thread you started instead?  :)


Thanks for your reply.


The USB appears fine and the config folder has content.

Then there is something else going wrong.


If you have console (or telnet) access perhaps you should run the command

ls -l /boot/config

to confirm that the content agrees with what you see when you look at the USB stick under Windows,


It could also be worth booting in safe mode (from the boot menu) to see if that makes a difference  - it is possible that you have a plugin installed that is not compatible with this release?


It doesn't appear that the contents of the boot USB are the same in the unRAID box as opposed to the earlier screenshot on my Mac. I've no idea why that would be unless it's some kind of permisssions issue? Screenshots attached.




Have attached a monitor and KB and tried booting in safe mode to no avail.


GUI does not start, contents of the boot USB only show an ssh folder, not as per what was displayed in the otehr screenshot on my Mac.


Is there anyway I can isolate the output where it probes the USB device during boot?


Umm, halp please?


Running a HP N40L microserver, so took the USB stick off the motherboard port and plugged it into one of the four ports on the front. Seeing USB device errors but they go by too quick to isolate. I'm at a loss as to what to do. Sandisk USB stick less than a year old, no issues whatsoever previous to the 6.1.3 upgrade attempt and the stick is readable and appears completely error free when I plug it into my Mac. I know this sounds stupid, but it really does look like the stick contents I see on the Mac aren't what is seen on the N40L. Look at my previous screenshots.


Ideas please?


Is the BIOS trying to use UEFI when booting from the flash? If so, turn it off.


Another thing that might cause this kind of strangeness is if the flash isn't formatted correctly. It must be FAT or FAT32.


Definitely FAT32 and perfectly accessible with no errors on two other boxes, no UEFI on boot, yet note the USB device related errors in the attached pics, hence my confusion as this wasn't apparent prior to the upgrade attempt.



This can be marked as solved now, for some reason the upgrade process trashed the file permissions on the boot USB to the point where logins and other files weren't being read. Rebuilt the USB with config backups and stable on 6.1.4 now.


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