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APCUPSD shutdown but no power failure


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My unRaid shut itself down today and sent 3 notifications.

Event: unRAID Server Alert

Subject: UPS Alert

Description: Remaining battery charge below limit on UPS Brunnhilde. Doing shutdown.

Importance: alert

Event: unRAID Server Alert

Subject: UPS Alert

Description: Continuing with shutdown.

Importance: alert

Event: unRAID Server Alert

Subject: UPS Alert

Description: Continuing with shutdown.

Importance: alert


The problem is that there was no power failure. I've attached a screenshot of my UPS settings. Also attached the appropriate log file. I can see in the log starting at line 2509 that there were several hiccups in the power. Each lasted about 1 second. None were nearly long enough to reach the 90 seconds threshold required to initiate a shutdown. It should be nearly impossible for this threshold to be reached. I have a UPS with enough runtime to last about 5 minutes and a generator that will come online automatically if power is out for more than 15 seconds. The only scenarios that should require a shutdown would be if the generator failed to start for some reason (it didn't) or if the branch circuit breaker feeding my unRaid tripped (didn't).


I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I've got something set wrong? I'm hoping someone with a little more system knowledge can look at the logs and see exactly what initiated the shutdown.




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  • 2 weeks later...

perhaps someone could at least verify that I have unRaid configured properly to run on the UPS for 90 seconds in the event of a power failure. I tested this again today and got exactly the same result as before. unRaid shutdown immediately. The log shows that the minimum remaining run time was exceeded. It shouldn't even be configured.

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A few thoughts ...


The battery date indicates your battery is 8 years old => that's OLD for a UPS battery ... it may have a very rapid discharge rate at this point.


Your load is quite high => the UPS system may have computed that you don't have 90 seconds of runtime available, so it initiated a shutdown.


If that's not the case, there may be an issue with the "Battery level to initiate shutdown" and/or "Runtime left to initiate shutdown" fields being blank.  I'd set those to levels you feel comfortable with -- perhaps 20 for the battery level and 5 for the runtime field.


It's easy to understand how the system is shutting down => you are NOT having a power failure ... so the generator doesn't kick in ... but the UPS software has decided there's insufficient runtime remaining to provide the protection you want, so it's initiating a shutdown.    This could be "real" ... i.e. the battery discharge rate that it's noted during the short intervals it was on battery power has indicate a very rapid discharge rate ... or it could be because the parameters I noted are blank.


If your battery is truly 8 years old, you should definitely replace it.



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A few thoughts ...


The battery date indicates your battery is 8 years old => that's OLD for a UPS battery ... it may have a very rapid discharge rate at this point.


Your load is quite high => the UPS system may have computed that you don't have 90 seconds of runtime available, so it initiated a shutdown.


If that's not the case, there may be an issue with the "Battery level to initiate shutdown" and/or "Runtime left to initiate shutdown" fields being blank.  I'd set those to levels you feel comfortable with -- perhaps 20 for the battery level and 5 for the runtime field.


It's easy to understand how the system is shutting down => you are NOT having a power failure ... so the generator doesn't kick in ... but the UPS software has decided there's insufficient runtime remaining to provide the protection you want, so it's initiating a shutdown.    This could be "real" ... i.e. the battery discharge rate that it's noted during the short intervals it was on battery power has indicate a very rapid discharge rate ... or it could be because the parameters I noted are blank.


If your battery is truly 8 years old, you should definitely replace it.



Not sure where the 8 years comes from. I replaced the batteries about 12 months ago. Shutdown is occurring when runtime drops to about 5 minutes. I've done some tests before activating APCUPSD on the unRaid and 5 minutes seems to be a good estimate of the actual runtime. Never ran the batteries all the way dead before plugging the UPS back in, but the charge dropped to 50% in a little less than 3 minutes.


I'll try setting some very low value in the blank fields and see if that makes a difference. Maybe there is a default runtime of 5 minutes. I notice that the "Runtime left" value displayed near the top of the settings page turns red when it's less than 5 minutes.


BTW- How can I reset the battery date?

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