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Unraid doesnt see my Megaraid array, but can detect controller in lspci


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Hello I am new to using unRAID and I wish to play around with GPU passthrough on some VM's and was told this is the software to use, however on version 6.1.6, I cannot add any drives to my array on the "Main" page.


I see disk numbers, but the only option I can select for each one is "unassigned"


I have an LSI raid controller in the machine with 8 SSDs in R0 on it, I wish to be able to use that for storage.


Do I need to load a module to be able to use it? It seems confusing that it picks up the card but cannot see the VD I made.


I have attached my diagnostics file so hopefully somebody can help me. Thank you.




root@Tower:~# lspci | grep LSI

07:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 2108 [Liberator] (rev 05) 



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Forgive me for bumping this, but its been over 8 hours, and I nobody has any suggestions which is a little worrying for me.


I'd really would like to get up and running but its quite confusing for me. I get as far as running the machine from USB, logging in, but I cannot assign the drive array on my Raid card... Both Windows and Linux can use it as an install medium I would expect the same from this as its appears to be Linux based too, and it detects the raid card.


Do I need to format my array to a certain format before it is usable? If so - it is not well documented in the instructions. I see the only thing mounted in /mnt is the USB stick...


I think the instructions expect me to use a single drive on normal SATA, but I have a much faster solution at my disposal, and wish to use that instead.


I appreciate you have to answer everyone else's problems too, hopefully someone would be kind enough to shed some light on this for me. Again apologies.

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Thank you Squid for your time.


Regarding flashing my raid controller, I have heard of that to put it in JBOD mode, but have not attempted it, and honestly, I would prefer to use battery protected hardware raid which the card offers, as opposed to allowing my CPUs to handle all the IO operations, which I assume happens if you flash to IT mode (likey increasing the overheads)


Ideally, I'd like to avoid flashing to IT mode where possible. I need to know if what I propose is possible and how, or not and I will use a different means to create host a VM and use GPU pass-through which is my end goal.


Best regards.

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If you want to use hardware RAID then don't use UnRaid which is software RAID. Hardware RAID will give you better performance over software RAID (which may or may not be useful to you) but not all the other advantages of UnRaid. If you are dead set on using UnRaid then you have two choices as far as I can see, follow Squid's advice and look into flashing the card to IT mode, then you can use it and the drives will be presented to UnRaid in JBOD mode, or find another adapter. Generally you cannot use hardware RAID with UnRaid, there are some exceptions but they don't apply to your situation.

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ashman70, thanks.


I will tell you why I am planning to use unRaid, a friend of mine mentioned that Linus Sebastian created a multi-headed gaming system and showed it on you-tube recently, using a single powerful machine, with multiple GPUs. That is what I am endeavouring to replicate.


With regards to my storage problem, I may well have to test it using some normal disks on the boards SATA ports if I do not want to flash to IT, I was hoping to use 8 SSDs, but it looks like that may not happen without some messing about from what people are saying.


I will see if there are any more comments, but it looks like that has answered my question, I might have chosen the wrong OS for my particular task and hardware setup from the replies received, and raid controllers are not suitable.





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I am familiar with the setup you are endeavouring to replicate and you may want to scale it back to two gaming systems to begin with as doing any more then that might really 'do your head in'. Onboard SATA ports should work and might be more suitable if a NAS is not the primary use for your UnRaid server. Good luck and I hope you achieve your goal without too many bumps in the road or headaches.

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