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Woops - Hung system


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Running v6, bookmarked the wrong URL, a month or so ago.




Installed that for v5 instead.  Crud.


Now, I've got a hanging Unraid (running latest version as of last night).  Web GUI not available, telnet is.  Ran a diagnostics, it created the zip, albeit, no clue how I would go about getting it precisely, as the Unraid is inaccessible via SMB.  Could command line upload it somewhere I guess.. but, then in the corner of my eye, I caught that I had just installed a v5 plugin vice the Dynamix v6.  Ahh crud.


Could someone lead me in the right direction of uninstalling that plugin, so that I can get my Unraid back?  Careless error I know, normally I'm a bit more thorough, but to err is human right.


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Roger that, did that, parity check kicked off (which I suspect you figured it would, I did), 0 errors and back in business.


I was hopeful I would fix the "delay" in accessing media (aside from the normal spin up) and especially the (infamous?) windows explorer "refreshing" issue (doesn't seem I'm alone in this entirely).  Accessing SMB shares, copying to them, etc. at seemingly random (sporadic) times, though often, windows insists on refreshing the shares contents/directory, resulting in a copy timing out (if I weren't using Ultracopier -- used Teracopy for awhile but it just pulls too many resources causing the entire windows system to lag a great deal so I switched) when using windows copy, etc, etc.


One person suggested it was a mismatch in time synchronization, so, I've set my pFsense to be a NTP server/daemon (pulling from pool), then set all client/servers on my LAN to pull from it.. that didnt fix the issue.


Hopefully using cache_dirs will help eliminate it, we'll see today (now that the parity check is done without errors).  Thank you trurl for your help again bud.

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...One person suggested it was a mismatch in time synchronization, so, I've set my pFsense to be a NTP server/daemon (pulling from pool), then set all client/servers on my LAN to pull from it.. that didnt fix the issue.

unRAID itself has NTPd. I let it synch to internet timeservers and have everything on my LAN get it from my unRAID. Been doing it this way since I started years ago with v4.7
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