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No Access to GUI


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:-\I can't access the web gui for my UNRAID server. This is my first time setting it up and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've tried accessing it from my laptop and my computer, directly plugged into my desktop with and without internet connected. I've also tried 3 different flash drives and command line formatting them all and am able to access TOWER from my network section on my computer but it wont load the GUI. I also tried both on board NICs and a known working i350 T2 intel NIC. I've also tried Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.  :-\

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What format did you use for the USB drive?  It needs to be FAT32.  I have heard of this type of symptom if that is not correct.


Do you know how to telnet/ssh into the server?  If so you might try running the command:

ls -l /boot
ls -l /boot/config

as that should allow us to see if the USB drive is set up correctly.

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:-\I can't access the web gui for my UNRAID server. This is my first time setting it up and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've tried accessing it from my laptop and my computer, directly plugged into my desktop with and without internet connected. I've also tried 3 different flash drives and command line formatting them all and am able to access TOWER from my network section on my computer but it wont load the GUI. I also tried both on board NICs and a known working i350 T2 intel NIC. I've also tried Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.  :-\


First thing to find out is if your unraid is actually working...


Have you plugged in a monitor to your server to see how it starts up ?


Does it actually boot ?

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It boots, I have a kvm switch hooked up. It boots and for telnet, I'm not sure what hostname to use in order to use putty. I used NTFS, Ill change that to see if that helps

If you used NTFS for the USB stick then you will get the symptoms you describe where you end up with no GUI.
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