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[SOLVED] Best practice to combine user shares


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I've created a few user shares, but now i want to combine them all as subfolders under another new user share.


eg. currently have these user shares





I want them all now under






I obviously need to create newshare, but do I just go to the command line and move share1,2,3 under newshare? What happens to the unraid config that had those user shares previously mapped?


Or do i create newshare, create subfolders under it manually in terminal, then move the contents of share1,2,3 to the new 3 subfolders?


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Both methods should get you to the same results.


I'd create the share through the unRAID GUI.


Then I would open up the terminal and type mc and transfer files through there.  You should be able to go to /mnt/user/share and move (option 6) as a subdirectory to /mnt/user/newshare.


Now the share will be gone as it has been removed from /mnt/user and it will just be a subdirectory of /mnt/user/newshare.

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Both methods should get you to the same results.


I'd create the share through the unRAID GUI.


Then I would open up the terminal and type mc and transfer files through there.  You should be able to go to /mnt/user/share and move (option 6) as a subdirectory to /mnt/user/newshare.


Now the share will be gone as it has been removed from /mnt/user and it will just be a subdirectory of /mnt/user/newshare.


Genius. Worked.

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