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Best method to move data from disk to disk


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Apologies for the dim question but I couldn't find the answer. The prime use for my Unraid (6.1.9) is for Plex. I basically want to move data from one drive to another so I can remove it from the array. There is plenty of space on the array before you ask.


Can I just putty onto the unraid box and use midnight commander to copy data from one disk to another or is it more complicated? I saw a video Jon did about migrating Steam Games but wasn't sure if it was applicable in all scenarios, but I thought I would ask before I break my PMS.


Here's is a brief breakdown of my setup


Parity - 6tb

Disk1 - 6tb

Disk2      - 6tb

Disk3 - 6tb

Disk4 - 6tb

Disk5 - 4tb

Disk6 - 4tb

Disk8 - Red X (Currently replaced with a hot spare but I want to move data off the drive so I can remove it again)

Cache - 480GB


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Yep, mc is your friend. I have been doing exactly what you are planning to do and it is completely transparent to Plex.


Emphasis point: MAKE SURE, 100% SURE, that you are moving from disk to disk.

Warnings about losing data when moving data between disk and share are abundant and real (I personally tested it!).

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