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Parity Drive Vanished


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So my parity drive has a red x next to it, which I presume means it may have failed?  I rebooted my server, and it still shows as a red X.  Should I try fiddling with the drive (i.e. plugging into a different sata port, etc.), or just replace the drive?

What the red-x means is that a write failed to the drive.  It could be merely a bad / loose cable, or it could be a failing drive.


Rebooting (as you did) does not "fix" the red-x under any circumstance.  To fix that, the parity must be rebuilt, as regardless if its ok or not it is now out of sync with the data in the array.


To rebuild the drive onto itself, you've got to stop the array, set the drive as being not installed, start the array, stop the array, set the disk back to what it should be.  It will begin to rebuild.


But, prior to doing that you really should post your diagnostics (tools - diagnostics) to see if the SMART reports from the drive indicate anything...

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