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Assign Docker to Physical NIC


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Good Morning,


I believe what I'm asking is possible, but would like to verify and to see the best way to do it.  Basically I would like to assign Docker to one physical NIC on my host, and then the unRaid GUI/VM's to the second physical NIC.


Related (but less important), is it possible on a container by container basis to assign what NIC it will go to... similar to the idea of CPU pinning?





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Hi I do something similar,


I have 2 nics, eth0 (192.168.1.#) & eth1, eth0 (192.168.2.#) is my normal home network and so I connect to my unraid over this network and then I have eth1, which is connected to a separate router, which is connected to a VPN network.


I have plex running on one container which runs hosted over my eth0 network, so my TV's etc can get to it.


Then I have transmission and Sickrage running in bridged containers, at boot time I do a little jiggling around to get those 2 containers to send their traffic out over the VPN network.


I just switch wireless networks if I want to go out over the VPN or normal network.


This is my go file from /boot/config



echo "1"

mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs

echo "2"

btrfs device scan

mount -t btrfs /dev/sdj /mnt/btrfs

/etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop

sleep 20

ifconfig eth1 plumb

ifconfig eth1 up

brctl addbr br1

brctl addif br1 eth1

ifconfig br1 inet netmask broadcast up

/etc/rc.d/rc.docker start


echo "lets set our container routes"

sleep 60


#get the container id of transmission and SAB

Transid=`docker ps | grep transmission | cut -b 1-12`

RAGEid=`docker ps | grep rage| cut -b 1-12`


#now find the process id for the container.

TransProcID=`docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' $Transid`

RAGEProcID=`docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' $RAGEid`


#create the links to allow us to use netns to change variables within the container.

mkdir -p /var/run/netns

ln -s /proc/$TransProcID/ns/net /var/run/netns/$TransProcID

ln -s /proc/$RAGEProcID/ns/net /var/run/netns/$RAGEProcID


# use netns to change the default root to use the vpn connection.

ip netns exec $TransProcID route del default gw

ip netns exec $TransProcID ifconfig eth0 down

ip netns exec $TransProcID ifconfig eth0 inet

ip netns exec $TransProcID route add default gw

ip netns exec $TransProcID ifconfig eth0 up


ip netns exec $RAGEProcID route del default gw

ip netns exec $RAGEProcID ifconfig eth0 down

ip netns exec $RAGEProcID ifconfig eth0 inet

ip netns exec $RAGEProcID route add default gw

ip netns exec $RAGEProcID ifconfig eth0 up


# Start the Management Utility

/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 9090 &



There may be a much cleaner way to do this now, but I set my server up a few years back.



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