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Private/Secure Share Issues

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I am having an issue with secure and/or private user shares:


From my Windows 10 PC (I have also tried access from a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine as well) I enter the username and password to the share that I have specified restricted access to in unRAID.  The password dialogue box keeps coming back up but there is no error.  I have tried machinename/username and machinename\username.  I have also tried with IP address.


I tried the net user * /delete option that was listed in this thread as well with no luck.


I have run file system check/repair and restarted array/server.


I retried resetting the user pws and creating new accounts.  I have also tried multiple shares.


Basically it just continuously prompts me over and over for username and password.


Am I missing something here?  "I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!".


Any suggestions would be awesome!


PS - Not a huge deal not having share security on a media server but I would like to be able to lock down a backup share.

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I enter the username and password to the share that I have specified restricted access to in unRAID.  The password dialogue box keeps coming back up but there is no error.  I have tried machinename/username and machinename\username.  I have also tried with IP address.

Instead of machinename\username have you simply tried username? (Wasn't exactly clear if you tried this from the post)


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