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current pending sector is 56


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Pending sectors are ones that cannot be read reliably.  You want a value of 0 when using the disk in the array as any non-zero value affects the ability to build ANY failed array disk without potential corrupt data.


Pending sectors can be cleared when writing to them so you need to see if the preclear sets the value back to 0.

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If that Pending Sectors goes to zero, then look at the SMART Report.  (Click on the disk # on the 'Main' tab and then the 'Attributes' tab) You want to make note of the "Reallocated sector count" number.  Then rerun the preclear test.  At the end of that operation, the 'Pending Sectors' should still be zero and the 'Reallocated sector count' should be unchanged.  IF either of these two conditions are not met, you have a disk that is in the early-to-mid stages of failure.  Some folks might run a third preclear to see if things will stabilize but I, personally, would not use that disk in my server. 

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