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Current device count

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You still see people asking if they can add another device based on their license limit. How about putting a screen toy in the ui somewhere that states you have "X" devices - and if pressed, you can add "X" devices based on your license. It does away with "does this count" kind of questions. Probably easy for someone as talented as boniehl, unless he has already done it and I missed that.


Thoughts? Definitely in the "nice to have" category...but not necessary.

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It used to be far more clear when the configuration only showed what was available for the specific version that was running.  But with v6 this changed so every version shows all of the drive slots, so there's no indication of the limits ... just a message if you try to exceed them.    In addition, even if there was a clear indication of how many slots could be populated for the array, the fact that unassigned drives also count towards the limits would still make it desirable to have a clearer indication of the limits.   


The limits ARE noted on the "Buy It" page, but I think the "What are “attached devices”?" paragraph should emphasize that this includes ALL storage devices, regardless of whether or not they're assigned to the array.  It currently says "They refer to the total number of storage devices physically attached to the system before you start the array."  While "physically attached" does imply ALL, it would be clearer if something like ", regardless of whether or not the devices are assigned to the UnRAID array" was appended to that sentence.


But actually showing the limits on the Web GUI would be even better, as I suspect few look at the "Buy It" page once they've purchased their keys; and even many purchasers probably don't read all the "fine print"  :)




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Well, you could put a link in to purchase an upgrade when you get within a couple of devices of the limit.  Materialistic patron that I am...just in case you guys REALLY wanna build this feature.


Yes, it is not as obvious as it used to be when you're at the end of your licensed limit. If you are maxed out and have a failure, it's a heckuva time to go stand up a spare machine to preclear...of course you could just put a drive in and let the system attempt a recovery but I am not a fan of taking chances with drives getting the size they are today


It would be an awesome bit of info for us newbs.  Thanks for reading.

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