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Soon starting my 1st unRAID ... I'm from Europe, unprofessional, but excited :D


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Hi everybody,  :D


I've read lots all over the forum. Since I'm not really a computer freak I would've preferred to just buy the MD-1510/LI Media Storage Server.

Living in Europe this was not an option (shipping, customs ...).


So I will have to build my own and I must admit - it's actually a lot of fun, gaining the knowledge, finding the hardware, seeing all this activity on the forum, soon screwing it all together ... ( I have macs - so this is the first time I build a computer  ;D )


Anyway, I haven't received all my parts yet, also have already made some purchases that I regret a little ... but here goes my list of bits and pieces - comments very welcome ...

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* Case - Antec TWELVE HUNDRED (€ 129)

* Motherboard - SuperMicro C2SEA - still waiting for the mobo to arrive …

* CPU - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300 2x 2.60GHz 2MB 800 Box (€ 55)

* Memory - Corsair 4GB CL9 TW3X4G1333C9A (€ 108)

* Power Supply - Corsair HX 750 ATX 2.3 (CMPSU-750HX) (€ 118) - this was actually a mistake - wanted to buy TX but didn't look properly

* USB - Lexar 4GB JumpDrive® FireFly (White) (€ 14)

* HDDs - coming up … 2TB parity planned - ___ do I need 7200rpm? ___

* HDDs - trying to use whats spread out in the house (can I use 2.5" as well?)

* planning to use Icy Dock MB-455SPF - that can wait.


... everything is still sealed and the mobo hasn't arrived yet - can't wait to put it all together ...

Comments welcome, thx.

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Your PSU is most likely overkill, but it sounds like you already know that.


If you plan on running unRAID stock, then your RAM is overkill as well.  1 or 2 GB is plenty.


As for the hard drives, again it depends on if you are planning on running unRAID stock.  If you are, then there is little to no need for 7200 rpm drives.  Go for the green 5400 or 5900 rpm drives instead.  If you are planning on using add-ons (specifically torrents), then having a faster 7200 rpm parity drive may help a bit.


Yes, you can use 2.5" drives.  They are a bit more difficult to mount in the case and will most likely require brackets, but unRAID will read and use them just fine.  In fact, I'm considering adding an old 20 GB IDE 2.5" drive that I have laying around as a cache drive to my server....

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thx for the quick replies ...


I have roughly 9 hdds lying around and will buy at least 2TB within the next weeks.

Was thinking of taking the HDDs out of my WD My Book Studio Edition II (inside: two Western Digital Caviar Green 1000GB, 16MB Cache, SATA II (WD10EACS)) and selling the enclosure ...


Also I was looking at less RAM but 4GB didn't cost that much more.


About the PSU - if it won't hurt my system I would rather keep it (laziness - don't want to take it back) - what do you think?


The thing is I would like to start assembling already ...  :)



Those Scythe Hard Disk Stabilizer look interesting. Did you have to take everything out of the Antec to mount those ...

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Those Scythe Hard Disk Stabilizer look interesting. Did you have to take everything out of the Antec to mount those ...


You have to remove Antec's 4in3 drive cage(s) from the case to mount the scythes. There's nothing difficult about that.


Because this particular case lets you mount 4 120mm fans in front of the drives, it's ideal for the Scythe thingies.


The advantage to using these is that they are dirt cheap -- less than 10% of the cost of the hotswap 5in3 devices. It means that it's more work if you have to replace a drive -- so if you have lots of money to burn, maybe go for the hotswap 5in3s. I didn't want to spend the money, so I'm happy to do the extra work if I need to replace a drive.

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Thx again! You know guys - reading in the forum is extremely informative. Thx so much. In the prefinal state little questions keep popping up and I can ask and keep getting quick answers. Thank you so much!  :D


Here is another one:

My mobo still hasn't arrived and the PSU is still sealed.

Do you think I should downgrade from Corsair 750 HX to 650 TX and upgrade the PSU in 1 - 2 years or so when I really need it?  I mean - are PSU prices stable and I might stick with it or do they improve in quality quickly and I should get what I need at the moment ...

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If you think you will be going past 10 drives, and if you are feeling lazy, then just keep the PSU.  It certainly won't hurt anything.  I don't see much of a point in downgrading to the 650W since the difference is, what, € 15?  If you bother to downgrade, I would go all the way down to a 450 W, where the price difference is likely to be more significant.  If you can see yourself running a monstrous 15-20 drive server in the future, then stick with the 750 W.


I understand your point about going for the 4 GB of RAM.  In fact, I'm currently running my server with 4 GB of DDR2 800 RAM (despite what my sig says) just because I had an extra stick laying around.  However, given that I'm unlikely to see the benefit from the extra RAM, I sometimes wonder if I'm just using up extra electricity for no reason.  I haven't actually done any tests to see how much that extra stick of RAM uses.  I'll hopefully be running torrents from my server soon, so in that case the extra RAM will help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today was the day - my motherboard finally arrived (SuperMicro C2SEA).

After assembling the whole lot the damn thing wouldn't boot.


Turnes out that the Power Switch of the Antec 1200 is broken so I have to start the machine manually at the moment ( by putting my screwdriver onto the contacts  ??? )


Parity-Sync has started (8% using 2TB Parity, 2x 1.5TB) - cannot connect more than 3 - have to figure out how to copy my Pro-Key to the flash since I have a Mac (will this work in a virtual machine? Probalby).


I'll keep you posted ...

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Today was the day - my motherboard finally arrived (SuperMicro C2SEA).

After assembling the whole lot the damn thing wouldn't boot.


Turnes out that the Power Switch of the Antec 1200 is broken so I have to start the machine manually at the moment ( by putting my screwdriver onto the contacts  ??? )


Parity-Sync has started (8% using 2TB Parity, 2x 1.5TB) - cannot connect more than 3 - have to figure out how to copy my Pro-Key to the flash since I have a Mac (will this work in a virtual machine? Probalby).


I'll keep you posted ...


You can get to the flash drive via samba on your Mac.  Just mount it and drag the .key file to the flash drive.

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thx prostuff - just did that - I have to wait for the parity-sync to finish and then restart the server to see the effect I suppose ...


Meandwhile I added a folder called "unmenue" to the flash drive and copied all the unmenu files into that folder and added lines to the go-script ...

I can't wait - but I have to - another 6 hours ...

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