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Should I Enable Turbo Write???


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Help have read a little into turbo write but would like to know if this will benefit my system and array setup in anyway and what are the disadvantages or turbo write.


I currently have 5 drives (5400rpm) and 1 Parity i also have a 500gb (5400rpm) cache drive.


Because i use a cache drive will enabling turbo write benefit me in anyway and i normally just let the mover do its thing overnight. But on the odd occasion like at the moment i am writing 1TB to the array which i have it bypassing the cache drive at the moment as it is to large for the cache drive in this scenario would it benefit me to enable turbo write?

Also reading how it spins your drives up this is not really a concern for me as i have my drives spinning 24/7?


What i really want to know would this benefit me or are there to many bottlenecks in my system being 5400rpm drives and a cache drive and what are the negative enabling turbo write?


Thanks in advance and this is the article i was referring too.



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