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shcmd chmod / chown triggered and logged repetitively is syslog


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My syslog is getting filled with entries like:


Jan 5 14:01:01 arcade emhttp: shcmd (64291): chmod 0777 '/mnt/user/downloads'
Jan 5 14:01:01 arcade emhttp: shcmd (64292): chown 'htpc':'unraid users' '/mnt/user/downloads'


This seems to coincide with a cronjob that I have running, which does execute a chmod/chown, which looks like this:


chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/downloads/.tmp
chmod -R 0755 /mnt/user/downloads/.tmp


What exactly would be triggering the chown / chmod from unraid? It's not even changing the directory that my cron script is changing.  Am I doing something in a poor manner that I should change, or could I at least mute that shcmd from appearing in syslog?


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I understand the htpc:unraid users, as I have Active Directory enabled, and that's the AD initial owner/group.  What I can't understand is why that's getting logged to syslog.  My cron script isn't touching the permissions of the root of the share, it's hitting the .tmp subfolder of it.

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