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unRAID locked up on VM startup


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I just built a new system (specs in signature) and had initially set up a Windows 10 VM that seemed to be working fine.  I was installing a few programs through Remote Desktop Protocol from my laptop and everything was working smoothly.  Out of nowhere I lose connection, while installing Avast, and I tried to reconnect but was unsuccessful.  Upon further investigation I found that the webgui was also unresponsive.  In addition, I could not access unRAID through IPMI.  Even typing into the console on the keyboard connected to the server yielded no response.  unRAID essentially freezes and I am forced to do a hard reset in order to get it running again.


I know it has something to do with the VM, but I'm not entirely sure what the cause is.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If there are any logs that need to be posted I will gladly do so.  Just tell me which ones are needed.


Notes: I disabled IOMMU because it was causing issues with 4 onboard Marvell sata ports

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So that was the problem?  Any other "dont's" that I should be aware of? Even ones that may seem obvious to you...remember I'm brand new at VMs so all knowledge is welcome. :)


Is there any way to fix this without having to re-install my Windows 10 VM?

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Have you browsed through http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=53435.0?


As far as how hosed your VM is after installing Avast, it depends on your overall PC troubleshooting abilities. If you can successfully get a Win10 install media to boot and do a system restore, you might be ok. Then again, it's probably easier and less headache to redo the VM.


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