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System slow/freezes while unpacking


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I just found out that my whole unRAID system (webgui and all my docker apps like plex, daapd...)  is very slow or sometimes even "freezes" completely when unpacking (nzbget or sabnzbd, doesn't make a difference) something. I'm using my cache disc (Hitachi 2,5" 7200rpm 500GB HDD) for the docker image, the app directory and as download location (before moving to my array).  I guess a SSD would help a lot, but I'm curious if there is something else I could/should do?


When I move the docker image and the app directory to my array I don't get any problems as it seems, but then my array discs would be spun up all the time...

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SSD would give you the best improvement.


You could also try to configure things so it downloads to the array, but unpacks to cache. So when it is unpacking it would read from one disk and write (without parity) to another. Less need for disk thrashing that way.

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