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permissions randomly changing


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I don't know what is going on but files in my cache drive keep changing permissions, seemingly randomly. It's where all my docker stuff is. I will access the share either by share name or IP on my Windows box. Sometimes I will edit a text file or a script and I cannot save it due to permissions. Oddly, sometimes I will go to \\tower and I cannot edit the permissions but can via \\192.1687.1.2. I'll have to double check but I think even chown -nobody and chmod 777 won't work. I have no idea where to begin to even trouble shoot this. Any ideas?

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You probably haven't receive many responses because your description of the problem is too generic.  We are not sitting in front of your monitor...  You need to provide more details.   I might suggest that you post up the output listing of     ls -al        that illustrates the problem.  Tell us the directories on the cache drive that are having the problems.  Tell us what Dockers you have installed and which ones you think might be causing the problem.  You should tell what operational issues these permission changes are actually causing you. 

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