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UPS not turning off


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Ok.  Since 4.7 or whichever version first had apcupsd compatibility with it (the plugin from days old), I've never had an issue with this UPS being turned off by unRAID after it's done its clean shutdown.  I know of no other variables aside from the 6.2.4 -> 6.3.3 upgrade I did roughly a month ago, sorry.  No cable changes, no nothing.

Know, that unRAID will properly shutdown (seems to take longer to unmount drives than 6.2.4 but, that's tolerable and very likely insignificant), but it just refuses to turn off my UPS afterward.  I will say, that on the LCD of the UPS, that after unRAID shuts down, it will show a "Schedule" with a picture of a clock/timer, which according to the user manual, suggests that the UPS has been set to a "scheduled shutdown."  So, I have to wonder, is the setting in unRAID "Battery level to initiate shutdown" being passed onto the UPS (or any other shutdown criteria)?  Because, as it is (and has been) set of performing an unRAID shutdown at 70% battery, the UPS would go from say 60% (right before unRAID is completely shutdown/off) to about 90% battery life, thus, perhaps waiting to hit 70% battery life again?  This would conceivably be considered a "schedule shutdown" to the UPS.  But those values should only apply to unRAID itself I would think.. I'm speaking aloud here just to get the thought juices flowing perhaps.

Anyway.  Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated as always.



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My memory isn't quite what it used to be.  It very much sounds like the same issue.  Now, did I change the setting to "Yes" in my absent mindedness assuming no settings were changed, whereas it would have obviously qualified as changing a setting (duh if so and my goof), or did it default to "Yes" after upgrade for whatever reason (I'm thinking that isn't likely based on the date of apcuspd but, I don't know what version was being run on 6.2.4 even so, I don't think it would have a need to change the config).  Good eye jonathan, thanks buddy.  I'll change it to "No" and give it a test, if nothing else but to remind myself/confirm of it's behavior.

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6 hours ago, jumperalex said:

Never mind. I was too impatient and didn't know about the default 180 second  "Shutdown grace delay" before which the ups will actually shut itself down. On the status screen is it called " DSHUTD "


I've yet to have an opportunity to "test" the UPS with the setting to "NO".  I assume you have the same UPS as me, does yours turn off?  If so, may I ask your settings please?

TIA bud.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to always be set to NO, and will revert tonight now that I'm back from vacation. With that, the UPS just stays on until basically drained. I do that because I want my network gear (and thus internet) to keep running in a power outage even if unRaid has shut down. I changed it to Yes for travel so my VPN would recover after a long outage.


I have an APC Smart-UPS 750 that I bought refurbed off e-bay and just recently swapped in new batteries as the ones that came with the UPS died after 4 years.

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