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Need help cooling drives on my Unraid using IPMI Tools, fan control not working


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Hi. I am using Fractal Node 804- http://www.fractal-design.com/home/product/cases/node-series/node-series . My hard drives are hot, with temperatures of about 43 to 48. I consulted others at another forum, and I was told to add fans to cool my HDDs down. I bought 3 Noctua NF-P12 PWM FANS, and the machine is noisy. The fan is designed to operate at 1300 RPM, but mine goes much higher than that. About 1,800 on occasion. I decided to put in the LNA adapter, to limit speed to 900 RPM, but no dice. My fans keep on revving up and down. Though this time, Max seems to be 1,450 RPM. I am using these fans- http://noctua.at/en/nf-p12-pwm


Before putting these fans in, I am using stock fan that came with Fractal Node 804, also 120 mm. Though it doesn't support PWM. While I am using those fans, I don't hear any revving. Maybe because the fans don't support it apart from the low, medium, high switch at the back of the case.


I saw there are IPMI Tools plugin available for Unraid. Though this doesn't seem to support fan control. What to do?


Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk







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You have not mentioned which motherboard you use.

If the fans are designed for 1300rpm it sounds very strange that they run at 1800. Are you sure its the correct version you linked? There are different 120mm fans that use higher rpm that you might have gotten.


The ipmi plugin only supports fan control for some asrock server boards.

If the fans are going up and down, you might need to change the lower fan limit. You might be able to do it in the ipmi plugin, but if not, you need to go command line. There should be some info about it in the ipmi plugin thread.

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Hi saarg, are you saying they aren't supposed to perform more than 1300 RPM?  Website says "Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1300 RPM"


Doesn't that mean that's the max it can do?  Again, this is the model/ site- http://noctua.at/en/nf-p12-pwm/specification


I am away, and cannot see the box.  I'll check as soon as I return.  As of the moment, what bothers me most isn't the noise that it generates (not my standard, I want it super quiet, I'm super annoyed right now with the noise level), but instead that I may have bought these expensive fans, and it might conk out soon, and yet, doesn't cool down my drives.


Command line in the IPMI plugin?  Motherboard I'm using is in my sig.  


Intel Xeon E3-1240 V2 @3.4GHz Memory: 8 GB (max installable capacity 32 GB)

Supermicro X9SCM-F HVM: Enabled IOMMU: Enabled

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It means that your fans will not run faster than 1430 rpm. So either your motherboard is reporting the speed wrong or there is an issue with the fans.


You need to check the ipmi plugin thread to check how to set lower limit for the fans.

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Hi saarg, it seems highly improbable though that all 3 fans, brand new at that, will be defective all at the same time.

But then again, if my fans won't spin more than is in specs, that clears one issue - that it won't die on me.

The next question is, am I supposed to hear noise at 19.8 dB(A)? Cause that is written on the specs.

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk

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