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unRAID v6.3.2 Parity Disk Disabled


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Running smoothly for maybe 2 years now.  I noticed I had not ran a parity check for several days so I ran one on May 25th.  Took a little over 10 hours & every thing seemed fine.  I don't know when it happened as I don't look at unRAID every day, but I saw that red X next to my parity disk; Device is disabled, contents emulated about 3 days ago (31 May).  So this morning I powered down & checked my connections & that was good.  Powered back on & still see the problem.  I looked at log before I powered down (& got full system diagnostic which is attached) & there was a segment fault.  I really hope this drive has not failed already. It's not even a year old.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Diagnostics are after rebooting, so we can't see what happened, next time grab them before.


SMART looks mostly OK so re-sync parity, to do that you need to stop the array, unassign parity, start the array, stop the array, re-assign parity, start the  array to begin parity sync.

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