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RemixOS for PC running in a VM - success!


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I've been wanting to tinker around with Android for x86... had heard good things about RemixOS.  Thought I would spin up a VM to check it out.




Unfortunately, not as easy as simply downloading an .iso and installing.  But, I did find a way that works, but it requires that you have a USB mouse attached:


  1. Download a pre-built VMware 64-bit 3.0.207 vmdk disk image of RemixOS from the osboxes.org website: VMware (VMDK) image
  2. Crete a folder for your RemixOS virtual machine on your UnRAID server.  I used: /mnt/user/domains/RemixOS
  3. Copy the disk image downloaded in step 1 into the folder created in step 2.
  4. ssh into your UnRAID server, cd into the folder from step 2, and rename the vmdk image to RemixOS.vmdk
  5. convert it into a raw disk image with this command: qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O raw RemixOS.vmdk RemixOS.img
  6. create a VM in UnRAID using the webGUI.  Select and use the Windows 7 template, name your VM RemixOS.
  7. I used 4 CPU cores, 2GB RAM, i440fx-2.7 machine type, SeaBIOS BIOS type, No Hyper-V
  8. For Primary vdisk pick manual, and then browse and select the RemixOS.img created in step 5.
  9. For vdisk BUS, select IDE
  10. Passthrough the USB mouse, and click Create Button.
  11. Start up the VM and connect to it via VNC.  I'm on a macOS client, so I found TigerVNC to work pretty well.




  1. Everything works pretty well, except as noted above, you need to have passed through a USB mouse.  The VNC mouse is kind of funky and doesn't work quite right.
  2. I cannot figure out how to change the screen resolution. It's OK as is, but would like to have more elbow room.






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