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Everything posted by marshy919

  1. Can't type anything. Just getting this error on first time install. ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) See heaps of things online on how to fix it, but most of them start with 'sudo' and that command isn't found.
  2. It's like it's saying the guest user doesn't have access. I don't have a user called guest though.
  3. Had the same issues about the password not working when logging in. Go back to the IP directly, and they worked. Also had to wait about a minute when it finally came up with the hash.unraid.net login for it to successfully take my credentials. Currently my server is port forwarded - open port check success. Allow remote access - yes Obviously signed in already When I go to https://forums.unraid.net/my-servers/ It shows access unavailable.
  4. This issue happened before the last update. My disks keep dropping off after a reboot, it goes into missing each time. Was working for the past few months without issue. It's connected via USB, not SATA. I can remove it from 'missing' - format it, and have it working again, but that's not ideal after each reboot. I have since uninstalled the plugin, rebooted server, installed again - same issue. Thanks for your excellent plugin!
  5. Same issue - even putting http first Reinstalled, wiped appdata folder without any success Is there a different fix for this issue?
  6. I love how everything can be done from 1 box - extremely helpful. One thing to improve would be the UI for the shares and users. Really needs a makeover - try deleting a share/user.
  7. Was having an issue were the unraid GUI via IP (HTTP) was not accessible. I could still ping it, but no GUI would appear. Can't remember the ERR_ chrome was giving - but rebooting the server didn't fix it initially. But by the time I logged in and wrote this - it's now displaying the usual page After the update was installed, I rebooted the server straight away, forgot about it and didn't attempt to access it for 2-3 hours.
  8. route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 br0 U 0 0 0 br0 U 0 0 0 docker0 U 0 0 0 virbr0
  9. I posted about this quite some time ago but didn't get a reply. Using br0, I can access 20% of websites. Using virbr0, I can access 100% of websites. For example, using br0, I cannot visit unraid.net, reddit.com etc But I can visit google.com and anything google related. Using virbr0, I can access every website I can imagine. Every other device in the house works fine. Just the VM running br0 does not. tower-diagnostics-20190627-1256.zip
  10. Not a bug report... On the docker page, 99% of it is using your mouse to move dockers up/down. It cancels out all other function, I can't copy/paste paths or addresses because it. I don't think many people are interested in adjusting their docker rows that often that all other functionality is removed. There could be a small row to the left which allows you to do the same function.
  11. Accessing the WebUI is just blank. Is there a different port for Flood? Edit: answered my own question. Yes, its 3000 Edit 2: FYI, rTorrent port in the next step is 5000.
  12. Not sure where this is coming from but, whenever I create a docker - the script is showing: NAME_SERVERS'=',,,,,,,' I cannot find anything but the IP of my router in all of the settings I've checked. resolv.conf just shows the DNS servers listed below network-config: # Generated settings: IFNAME[0]="br0" BRNAME[0]="br0" BRSTP[0]="no" BRFD[0]="0" BRNICS[0]="eth0" DESCRIPTION[0]="Unraid Management Interface" PROTOCOL[0]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[0]="no" IPADDR[0]="" NETMASK[0]="" GATEWAY[0]="" DNS_SERVER1="" DNS_SERVER2="" USE_DHCP6[0]="yes" DHCP6_KEEPRESOLV="no" MTU[0]="1492" SYSNICS="1" Interestingly enough, when any of my VM uses 'br0' I cannot access 99% of webpages, only IPV6 ones (google, facebook etc) Swapping that to 'virbr0' I can access any website. Is there somewhere else to change DNS settings? Cheers
  13. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-rtorrentvpn' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="Australia/Adelaide" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='no' -e 'VPN_USER'='vpn username' -e 'VPN_PASS'='vpn password' -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia' -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'='' -e 'STRICT_PORT_FORWARD'='yes' -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='no' -e 'ENABLE_FLOOD'='yes' -e 'ENABLE_AUTODL_IRSSI'='no' -e 'LAN_NETWORK'='' -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',' -e 'DEBUG'='false' -e 'PHP_TZ'='UTC' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '3000:3000/tcp' -p '5000:5000/tcp' -p '9080:9080/tcp' -p '9443:9443/tcp' -p '8118:8118/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/data':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn' 474b2951bece2629e7cc2d048191e08cae0b9d7a77bb04cbb2e704d1e25f14bd The command finished successfully! Command to install the docker, with flood enabled, VPN access disabled. 2019-01-16 23:21:50.560295 [info] System information Linux 474b2951bece 4.18.20-unRAID #1 SMP Fri Nov 23 11:38:16 PST 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux 2019-01-16 23:21:50.589332 [info] PUID defined as '99' 2019-01-16 23:21:51.394718 [info] PGID defined as '100' 2019-01-16 23:21:51.780465 [info] UMASK defined as '000' 2019-01-16 23:21:51.806759 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings 2019-01-16 23:21:51.837628 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'no' 2019-01-16 23:21:51.860054 [warn] !!IMPORTANT!! VPN IS SET TO DISABLED', YOU WILL NOT BE SECURE 2019-01-16 23:21:51.888906 [info] ENABLE_FLOOD defined as 'yes' 2019-01-16 23:21:51.919305 [info] ENABLE_AUTODL_IRSSI defined as 'no' 2019-01-16 23:21:52.624329 [info] Starting Supervisor... 2019-01-16 23:21:53,014 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/rtorrent.conf" during parsing 2019-01-16 23:21:53,014 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded 2019-01-16 23:21:53,017 INFO supervisord started with pid 8 2019-01-16 23:21:54,019 INFO spawned: 'start-script' with pid 68 2019-01-16 23:21:54,022 INFO spawned: 'rutorrent-script' with pid 69 2019-01-16 23:21:54,024 INFO spawned: 'flood-script' with pid 70 2019-01-16 23:21:54,026 INFO spawned: 'irssi-script' with pid 71 2019-01-16 23:21:54,029 INFO spawned: 'watchdog-script' with pid 72 2019-01-16 23:21:54,032 INFO spawned: 'privoxy-script' with pid 73 2019-01-16 23:21:54,032 INFO reaped unknown pid 9 2019-01-16 23:21:54,035 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] VPN not enabled, skipping configuration of VPN 2019-01-16 23:21:54,036 INFO success: start-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,036 INFO success: rutorrent-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,036 INFO success: flood-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,037 INFO success: irssi-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,037 INFO success: watchdog-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,037 INFO success: privoxy-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,037 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22950195615360 for <Subprocess at 22950195615144 with name start-script in state RUNNING> (stdout)> 2019-01-16 23:21:54,038 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22950195615648 for <Subprocess at 22950195615144 with name start-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)> 2019-01-16 23:21:54,038 INFO exited: start-script (exit status 0; expected) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,038 DEBG fd 16 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22950195616224 for <Subprocess at 22950195615000 with name rutorrent-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)> 2019-01-16 23:21:54,038 DEBG 'rutorrent-script' stdout output: [info] Flood enabled, preventing ruTorrent Web UI from starting... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,039 INFO exited: rutorrent-script (exit status 0; expected) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,039 DEBG fd 26 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22950195617376 for <Subprocess at 22950195614712 with name irssi-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)> 2019-01-16 23:21:54,039 DEBG 'irssi-script' stdout output: [info] Autodl-irssi not enabled, skipping startup 2019-01-16 23:21:54,039 INFO exited: irssi-script (exit status 0; expected) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,040 DEBG 'privoxy-script' stdout output: [info] Privoxy set to disabled 2019-01-16 23:21:54,040 DEBG fd 36 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22950195688584 for <Subprocess at 22950195614856 with name privoxy-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)> 2019-01-16 23:21:54,041 INFO exited: privoxy-script (exit status 0; expected) 2019-01-16 23:21:54,041 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit 2019-01-16 23:21:54,041 DEBG 'flood-script' stdout output: [info] Flood enabled [info] Waiting for rTorrent process to start listening on port 5000... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,042 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] rTorrent config file already exists, skipping copy 2019-01-16 23:21:54,059 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stderr output: dos2unix: converting file /config/rtorrent/config/rtorrent.rc to Unix format... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,104 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] rTorrent not running 2019-01-16 23:21:54,104 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Removing any rTorrent session lock files left over from the previous run... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,106 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Attempting to start rTorrent... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,109 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: Script started, file is /home/nobody/typescript 2019-01-16 23:21:54,173 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: Script done, file is /home/nobody/typescript 2019-01-16 23:21:54,479 DEBG 'flood-script' stdout output: [info] Configuring Flood... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,479 DEBG 'flood-script' stdout output: [info] Copying Flood config file /config/flood/config/config.js back to container... 2019-01-16 23:21:54,483 DEBG 'flood-script' stdout output: [info] Starting Flood... 2019-01-16 23:21:55,183 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] rTorrent process started 2019-01-16 23:21:55,184 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Waiting for rTorrent process to start listening on port 5000... 2019-01-16 23:21:55,194 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] rTorrent process listening 2019-01-16 23:21:55,197 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Autodl-irssi not enabled, skipping startup 2019-01-16 23:21:55,198 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Flood enabled, disabling initialisation of ruTorrent plugins... 2019-01-16 23:21:55,198 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:22:31,740 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:23:01,748 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:23:31,757 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:24:01,768 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:24:31,777 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:25:01,786 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:25:31,795 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:26:01,800 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation 2019-01-16 23:26:31,810 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output: [info] Nginx log file does not exist, skipping log rotation First time attempting flood install, I feel like I'm missing a step...
  14. Have you got an m2 slot on the motherboard? If not put a PCIE to m2 adapter in and get a Samsung 970 evo. Run real quick
  15. That's so coincidental that your BIOS version is 6.6.6 and the latest unraid version is 6.6.6 Must be the devils work
  16. I needed to change some network settings, so I turned off the vm manager. Once I enabled it again, the vm page showed an error 'libvrt service failed to start'. Reboot however did fix this.
  17. I have a Pi-Hole server setup on a raspberry pi. I can ping the pi-hole, but not access it's webui if using br0, using virbr0 works 100%. I cannot access unraid.net if using br0, but can using virbr0. However, I can ping unraid.net using br0. Wierd this is a very select few websites still work on br0, like OCAU or 6box, and they completely work. Makes me think this is a DNS issue, however, I tried on the VM to use Google DNS, but this still fails. Gateway: Unraid: Pi-Hole: Edit: changed DNS server inside of unraid to without any luck.
  18. I had created a user in the settings which I had set a speed cap for. Then applied that uses to the client.
  19. Currently it's set up so any line is just draggable (up/down) to reorder them easily. This is a great new feature, but could it be moved to a separate column? Mainly because I'd like to be able to highlight/copy the docker port mappings to make it a bit easier instead of typing them. Edit: would also be great to be able to middle click a docker icon to open into the webui.
  20. Just had a lockup, initially thought it was just the VM, but the webUI was unresponsive also. Computer had to be hard shutdown. Not sure if this is right, I just grabbed the diagnostics via the tool. tower-diagnostics-20180527-1227.zip Edit: happened again. Pc reboots and starts up fine. Both times it's crashed the vm was gaming.
  21. Not sure if this is user error or a bug with docker. If you install a docker, and change the name - the docker is still accessible, but you lose the edit and webui buttons. Reproduce: install "Grafana" docker, rename to "grafana". I thought it'd be 'neat' to organise mine all to the same, however in doing so I lost all control to everything.
  22. Wow Significantly faster booting to Win10 VM with 1 GPU and 1 USB controller. 9 threads and an emulator pin. 6.5.2 = 1:46:22 to desktop 6.5.3-rc1 = 00:39:60 to desktop
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