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Better Deal?

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What do you think is a better deal? Both drives are 8TB and same price. Both have 5 year warranty.

$309 - Every other price on the Helium drive was much more. This seems like a good price for a Helium drive.


HGST Ultrastar He8 HUH728080ALE600 0F23267 8TB 7200 RPM 128MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Helium Platform Enterprise Hard Disk Drives



HGST, a Western Digital Company ULTRASTAR HE8 8000GB 128MB 7200RPM SATA ULTRA 512E ISE 128MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare or OEM Drives 0F23267

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$309 for two 8 TB is good deal north worth missing.

However, each with 8 TB is not good idea as it will sky rocket your build cost.


Enterprise class or not enterprise class doesn't really matter much as per google research on Storage Drives.


If you are going to use UnRaid, go for cheapest per TB storage option as reliability concerns are well managed by UnRaid.

Throw two cheap SSD there and mover job over night. See you tube video about it.

Define spin down config and schedule monthly scrub/parity check with write correction.


Spin Down config will keep HDD cool when idle (assuming 24x7x365 for this box.


One thing that most of lime tech expert has not said often is that you is that you need good UPS for your UnRaid build.

unclean shutdown is worst enemy of data.


My idea of UnRaid is to write to SSD at fast speed and let mover job move data over night to HDD. Rest of the time when HDD is idle, let it sleep.

Here power saving by HDD Spin Down is close to nothing but it will add value to long life of your data.


Unless you are building storage system and itching to finish build and load your data, I would wait for July 4th deal or something.



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2 hours ago, curiouskid said:

$309 for two 8 TB is good deal north worth missing.

However, each with 8 TB is not good idea as it will sky rocket your build cost.


Enterprise class or not enterprise class doesn't really matter much as per google research on Storage Drives.


If you are going to use UnRaid, go for cheapest per TB storage option as reliability concerns are well managed by UnRaid.

Throw two cheap SSD there and mover job over night. See you tube video about it.

Define spin down config and schedule monthly scrub/parity check with write correction.


Spin Down config will keep HDD cool when idle (assuming 24x7x365 for this box.


One thing that most of lime tech expert has not said often is that you is that you need good UPS for your UnRaid build.

unclean shutdown is worst enemy of data.


My idea of UnRaid is to write to SSD at fast speed and let mover job move data over night to HDD. Rest of the time when HDD is idle, let it sleep.

Here power saving by HDD Spin Down is close to nothing but it will add value to long life of your data.


Unless you are building storage system and itching to finish build and load your data, I would wait for July 4th deal or something.



I already have a 15 drive 48TB system. One drive has been giving me a little issue so I figured I would replace it before it got too bad. Seeing the price of $309 for an 8TB drive was good news. I didn't opt for the Helium drive and went for the regular NAS 8TB model. Most of my drives are HGST and run fine anyway. Here are a few pictures of the build.










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3 hours ago, curiouskid said:

If you are going to use UnRaid, go for cheapest per TB storage option as reliability concerns are well managed by UnRaid.


I very much disagree with this. While true that unRaid has redundancy to rebuild a single failed disk, the idea of buying cheap drives and ignoring reliability is not a wise course. A disk full of low reliability drives is a huge headache as smart issues would frequently pop up requiring replacements, warranty actions, and ultimately higher cost in the long run. 


That being said, there are not that many truly low reliability drives to avoid. I do agree that buying economical drives with reasonably good reliability ratings and good experiences on the forum is a very reasonable option. Maybe this is what curious meant.


HGST is at the top of the heap in terms of reliability, and demands a deserved premium. But the Helium feature and its premium seem.unnecessary on a media array. The warranty is excellent. The HGST 8T NAS drive is a better idea IMO and cheaper. And this seems to be what toe went for. It is more expensive than some, but they are excellent drives with longer warranty. With a couple out-of-warranty failures of value drives in an array, you probably wind up with similar cost in the long run.


BTW, the WD Red 8T is a helium filed drive (not that it matters) and was recently available for $180, but with 2 yr warranty extracted from an external. Not as good as the HGST IMO, but taking cost into consideration, something to consider. 


3 hours ago, curiouskid said:



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