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Problems stopping the docker containers


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Just an FYI: I am new to all - unraid, docker and linux overall.


From the very beginning I was surprised, that starting the docker container from the unraid webUI was pretty much instant - like a second and the webUI refreshes and it's ON. But stopping always took way longer...


I have only a couple of docker containers installed. Yesterday it happened for the first time - I tried to Stop the container from unraid webUI (Docker > container context menu > Stop). My unraid webUI went unresponsive for a very long time - more than 10 minutes probably, until finally it refreshed and the container was stopped. That was nerve-wrecking. I really thought my whole unraid UI went dead.


Today was the same, but even worse. Whenever I tried to stop the container, the webUI went "spinning" for the longest time, but now, it actually refreshed and showed an error modal popup with something like "Execution Error" I am really not sure, because that error always flashed and closed extremely fast - maybe 1/10 of a second at most. And the container, which I was trying to stop - was still running! I sometimes tried to stop the container 2 or 3 times, until it actually stopped.


And finally nzbget container even lost it's image (the icon).


  1. What the hell is going on?
  2. How do I fix this? Should I reset the whole docker thing? As in delete/recreate docker image file and reinstall the containers? As per this guide: 
  3. Is it actually normal for the docker to take such a long time to shutdown? And in general, to take way longer to stop, than to start? It feels counter-intuitive.
  4. What is the official/best way to Start/Stop docker containers? I assume the context menu in unraid's webUI?
  5. Why are there multiple versions of containers in the "Apps Store"? I mean, eg: Sonarr from linuxserver.io, binhex, PhAzE and hurricane. I mean what's the point? Are some better than others (for using in unraid)?
  6. I just installed qBittorrent container (linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest) and the webUI shows a blank page. What the hell?


The first thing I would normally do, is restart the unraid and see if that helps, but I can't and won't be ble to for quite some time - I am running preclear script on 3 drives (6TB).


Help, please.

I am almost finished migrating all my files from my old windows server into new unRAID server, and I am in the process of setting up the downloading stuff: nzbget, rutorrent or qbittorrent, sonarr and radarr. I need to set this all up as fast as possible, because my family is getting restless without their shows and movies :)


Thanks in advance for any help.


Edit: I finnaly managed to get a sceenshot of that error windows, when trying to cstop rutorrent container (still runing, after 3 tries). The error is "very informative" :)




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qBittorrent being a QT app will suck up and be slow from a gui perspective I've found.  All of the qt apps that I've used while being portable and all that I'm seemingly always 4 steps ahead of how fast the UI should be running...  I personally like rutorrent, I"ve used it on seedboxes back in the day and it grew on me.


Look up "SpaceInvader One" on youtube.  He has about 100 videos up on various aspects of unraid configuration, including everything that you're looking to run here.  I think I've watched every one 3 times and when it came to actually implementing a videos' worth of server tweaks/setup what I did was to watch the ideo through twice, then on my 3 monitors I would run the video on the left, webgui in themiddle monitor and be looking stuff up on the 3rd.a/b inputs being my batttlestation 3rd head or on the vga input the server itself.  He'd say add this from here, do this this and this.  back the video up and watched those 30 seconds, do it, check to be sure it's perfect three times, then goto the next step.  I think you get the idea.


Just my newbie 2 cents worth,




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@TinkerToyTech Heh, I have all SpaceInvader One videos downloaded and on my hard drive already. He goes by @gridrunner here on the forums. The videos are amazing help, and I have setup my unraid and everything in it by those videos.


I am gonna try both rutorrent and qbittorrent. I like qbittorent GUI the best of all torrent clients, actually. And I have tried pretty much all of them. The problem is, that qbittorent's webUI is way worse than the regular desktop GUI. Hence I'm trying out rutorrent. But I do not particualrly like it, to be honest. It's a lot of small things, that I do not like, but that's beside the point here.


I really don't want this to get of topic. Because I am still waiting for some answers/tips how to fix my docker side of things on my unraid server. I mean, I suppose it is pretty much unusable now. Because, like i already said - the last new docker image that I have installed (qbittorrent) does not even show the webUI. And stopping any running container now takes many tries and more than 15 minutes. Which is f***ing ridiculous. >:(


I cannot continue with my dockers setup like this. So I'm waiting for my preclears to finish and then I guess I'm trying to delete docker and restart from scratch. I hope I will not need to redo the whole unraid OS from scratch.


But tbh, this actually worries me, not knowing what the hell is wrong, and why this crap has happened. I know I'm new to this, but not a complete idiot. And, actually as you suggested, I did everything by watching the videos. I mean my unraid setup is brand new, there's nothing fancy or exotic on it. I haven't even started to actually properly use it. The pool still has no parity, as I still not finished transferring all my data into the unraid.


Basically, if this is an accurate "picture" how unstable and buggy the whole thing is - it really worries me. I had way less problems with a shitty windows 8.1 setup before.

I mean NAS should be set it ans forget it. In my case - I haven;t even finished setting it... and already all kinds of problems. And in the meantime my family is hounding me, because they wanna watch their stuff - and they can't because the server is not "working" yet.


At this point I'm actually at least looking for an answer to - is it considered "safe" (as in it will not affect anything else in "unraid's working condition") if I use that guide to simply reset the whole docker by disabling docker, deleting and recreating the image and then reinstalling the containers?

And am I correct in thinking, that by doing this, I basically would do a fresh start on anything docker related? As in, if there was a problem with something-docker, it would get resolved? Basically, what I'm asking - can I think of it as doing a fresh windows reinstall, when using windows? I mean, I'm a windows guy, so this "analogy" would be quite understandable to me...

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3 hours ago, shEiD said:

Edit: I finnaly managed to get a sceenshot of that error windows, when trying to cstop rutorrent container (still runing, after 3 tries). The error is "very informative" :)


The error *implies* that the application is already stopped and the webUI just didn't update for some reason.  IIRC (and I could be wrong), the webUI in 6.3 and earlier didn't always refresh itself after a stop.


3 hours ago, shEiD said:
  • Is it actually normal for the docker to take such a long time to shutdown? And in general, to take way longer to stop, than to start? It feels counter-intuitive.

It should actually always take less than 10 seconds.  The standard command issued with unRaid to stop an application (you can do this yourself) is:


 It tries to perform a graceful shutdown of the application, and if it doesn't gracefully exit, then the docker system will forcibly shut off the application after 10 seconds


3 hours ago, shEiD said:

Why are there multiple versions of containers in the "Apps Store"? I mean, eg: Sonarr from linuxserver.io, binhex, PhAzE and hurricane. I mean what's the point? Are some better than others (for using in unraid)?

Different philosophies on how to build an application.  Generally unless there's a very good reason to pick something else, you're going to go with linuxserver.io (if you want the applications to update themselves to the latest version every Friday), or binhex versions (if you prefer for binhex to manually release an updated version when he does it).


3 hours ago, shEiD said:
  1. I just installed qBittorrent container (linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest) and the webUI shows a blank page. What the hell?


Post in the support thread for qBittorent.  Link you can get via the apps tab


3 hours ago, shEiD said:
  • What the hell is going on?

Like everything else, without diagnostics, its very hard to tell.

18 minutes ago, shEiD said:

Basically, if this is an accurate "picture" how unstable and buggy the whole thing is - it really worries me.

IMHO, unRaid is 100% rock solid.  Especially on the docker side of things.  TBH, I would recommend upgrading to 6.4 as that is the version of unRaid that most of the docker experts themselves are running (including myself) 100% trouble free.  But, I also ran 6.3.5 (and every 6.x release) troublefree


20 minutes ago, shEiD said:

In my case - I haven;t even finished setting it... and already all kinds of problems.

Once again diagnostics, but there is one issue common to most new users - the docker image filling up due to misconfiguration of the applications.  And that "issue" causes all sorts of strange trouble.  But it is not the fault of unRaid or Docker.  Its a pure and simple misconfiguration.

22 minutes ago, shEiD said:


At this point I'm actually at least looking for an answer to - is it considered "safe" (as in it will not affect anything else in "unraid's working condition") if I use that guide to simply reset the whole docker by disabling docker, deleting and recreating the image and then reinstalling the containers?


22 minutes ago, shEiD said:

And am I correct in thinking, that by doing this, I basically would do a fresh start on anything docker related?

Depends.  If the problem was with the docker image, then yes deleting the image is basically a clean install of every application.  If the problem is with the appdata / metadata for the apps themselves, then this will not solve anything, and you would also have to delete the appdata in addition to the image.


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@Squid Thanks for our answers! And actually you helped me solve my problem, without actually giving me a solution in your post up top :)


This was the problem and the solution:

Note: NEVER use /mnt/user/appdata/APP_NAME as the host path for the /config files.

I found the possible solution in your FAQ, did it and it actually solved most of my problems - 15 minutes to stop the container and the missing nzbget icon.

I did set up my docker, by watching the @gridrunner videos. And he actually missed/forgot this step about setting appdata not on user share but on cache share in his docker tutorial video. Actually, he forgot it during the guide on the machine he was doing the setup on. Later on in the video he shows his own "proper" server, and when you look carefully, you can see in his docker tab, that all his docker containers are actually set to cache share, not user share :) He just forgot it in the "tutorial machine", while making the video :)


The only thing still not fixed is the blank page instead of webUI in qBittorrent. But, yes I will write about thet in their support thread.

Although, I was thinking, maybe I should delete and reinstall qbittorrent container, maybe it got messed up on install before, because the config path still set pointing to user share instead of cache share?

  • But about removing the container - when I choose the Remove option in the context menu, it shows the modal popup with an check-box: also remove image. What does that mean? What image? The whole docker image, that holds ALL containers?

I will think about upgrading to 6.4, but tbh, it's still in RC, and as I am completely new to unraid, I feel safer running the stable version, at least for now. I need to get used to unraid, get some experience, then I can get into RC and betas :)

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/mnt/user/appdata/application and /mnt/cache/appdata/application are actually the same location in most configurations, if you specify the appdata share to be cache only. The problem is, some configurations have issues accessing those files through the FUSE /mnt/user paths. Limetech thought they had all the issues with it straightened out, which is why the official documentation and preconfigured settings use /mnt/user.


There are definite advantages to accessing it through /mnt/user, not the least of which is that if you set the share to cache:prefer, it doesn't crash stuff if you accidentally fill up your cache drive.


Did you happen to set Tunable (enable Direct IO) to Yes in the Global Share Settings? If so, try setting things back up with /mnt/user with that setting to auto or no. I'm working on a hunch that setting is responsible for the errors.

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2 hours ago, shEiD said:

And he actually missed/forgot this step about setting appdata not on user share

Its not so much that he missed the step, but most users have no problems using it like that (the way its supposed to work), and a few do.  No one has ever come up with a good reason as to why.


Like @jonathanm said, accessing via user allows you to do things like cache:prefer (and this is how I handle things), but if it doesn't work for you, then specify /mnt/cache and all should be good.

2 hours ago, shEiD said:

But about removing the container - when I choose the Remove option in the context menu, it shows the modal popup with an check-box: also remove image. What does that mean? What image? The whole docker image, that holds ALL containers?

The "remove image" removes the program itself from the docker image (meaning a redownload is required).  Not selecting it means that on a reinstall no download is required.  


Automatically checked off simply because its easier.  (When uninstalling via the apps tab, it doesn't even give you the option - it always removes the image)

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@jonathanm nope. As far as I recall - nothing at all. this is my first real attempt on switchin my server to unraid - so no fancy stuff whatsoever. At least for the time being, until I get comfortable, that it's working out OK.


Cache is XFS. As I said - no "unknowns" for now. And btrfs is still too unstable, imho. At least for me at this time - there are too many quite recent topics on these forums of people having trouble with btrfs. So that simply ruled it out for me.

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