(SOLVED) Best way to back up files to an external disk?


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I have several directories that I would like to automatically back up when I plug in my external hard drive. I would prefer for these files to be encrypted since I plan on keeping this external hard drive outside of my house. I know that I can use unassigned devices to create a script that is run whenever my hard drive is connected, but I would really like these files to be encrypted so if it's stolen/lost, I don't have to worry about who finds it. Does anyone have a script that does something like this? If so, would you mind sharing it? Thank you in advance.

Edited by bamhm182
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The video by SpaceInvader One got me headed in the right direction and is definitely worth watching for people who want to do this same sort of thing, however, his video shows how to synchronize to a cloud service, whereas I'm trying to synchronize to an external hard drive. I will provide details in this post for what needs to be different to get it to work with an external hard drive and unassigned devices.


If you don't already have your external drive connected via unassigned devices, you can install Unassigned Devices from the community apps store. I wanted my drive to be able to easily connect to a windows computer, so I plugged it into my windows box and formatted the hard drive as ntfs with the drive name of "unRAID_Backup". This shouldn't be necessary for you to do, just know that when I reference /mnt/disks/unRAID_Backup, replace it with whatever your mountpoint is, as visible by clicking on your hard drive under Unassigned Devices.


As SpaceInvader One shows in his video, install rclone from the community applications store. SSH into your unRAID box and run "rclone config" and fill out the questions as follows:

e/n/d/r/c/s/q> n (n for New remote)
name> local (or whatever you want the local remote to be called)
Storage> 10 (10 for Local Disk)
nounc> 1 (1 for disable long file names, I want it to be accessible from Windows)
y/e/d> y (y for yes this is OK)

e/n/d/r/c/s/q> n (n for New remote)
name> enc-extHDD (encypted external HDD or whatever you want the encrypted folder to be referenced as)
Storage> 5 (5 for Encrypt/Decrypt a remote)
remote> local:mnt/disks/unRAID_Backup/enc-extHDD (ensure you set the name before the : (local here) to the name of the previous remote, set everything after the : to the full path, excluding the first slash, of your external hdd mountpoint and the folder inside of it that you want to be your encrypted directory)
filename_encryption> 2 (2 for Encrypt the filenames)
y/g> y (y to create password for encryption)
Password: ******** (Type your password)
Password: ******** (Confirm your password)
y/g/n> y (highly recommended to set a password for salt)
Password: ******** (Type different password)
Password: ******** (Confirm different password)
y/e/d> y (y for Test this is OK)


If you watched SpaceInvader One's video, all of this seems pretty familiar up until now. This is where things start getting pretty different. In his videos, he has you go to Settings -> rclone -> Mount/Unmount Script and set up scripts to automatically mount and unmount our drives. This works well for network drives because they should be able to be reached all the time that things are functioning normally, however, what happens when we don't have our external connected and we start our server? Rclone will not be able to mount the disconnected drive and it will move on with its life. We plug it in, it continues to be unmounted.


To fix this, we need to use the Script function of Unassigned Devices. If you locate your drive in Main -> Unassigned Devices, you will notice that all the way to the right there is a Script column with a </> button under it. Click this. Here you can make your server perform actions when your external drive is mounted ($ACTION = 'ADD') or unmounted ($ACTION = 'REMOVE')


It took a little bit of playing to get it to work exactly like I wanted, but this is basically the script I ended up with:

I had some issues with this script (it stopped working for some reason) and have since rewritten it with rclone instead of rsync. Seems to be working pretty well this time around. The new script can be found in the following post: 


# Variables #
backupDirs=("/documents/My Important Information/"
            "/media/Pictures/dogs, cats, and birds/")

# backupDirs elements should be surrounded in quotes. Special characters should be fine. Do not include the \ to escape them.

# Script #

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
    # Actions to perform upon mounting

    # Insert break in Logfile
    echo "" >> $LOGFILE
    echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOGFILE
    echo "" >> $LOGFILE

    # RClone Mount Directory
    echo "Mounted at: " $(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)') >> $LOGFILE
    mkdir -p $destDir
    rclone mount --max-read-ahead 1024k --allow-other --allow-non-empty $rcloneRemote $destDir &

    # Sleep to resolve issues in not mounting properly. Sync files by looping through $backupDirs Array.
    echo "Started Sync at: " $(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)') >> $LOGFILE
    sleep 5

    for ((i=0; i < ${#backupDirs[@]};i++)); do
        #echo "rsync -a $srcDir${backupDirs[$i]} $destDir${backupDirs[$i]}" >> $LOGFILE
        rsync -a "$srcDir${backupDirs[$i]}" "$destDir${backupDirs[$i]}"

    echo "Ended Sync at: " $(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)') >> $LOGFILE
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup Completed" -d "Your files have been sucessfully backed up to your external drive. You may now unmount it." -i "normal"

  'REMOVE' )
    # Actions to perform upon umounting

    # RClone Unmount Directory
    fusermount -u $destDir
    echo "Unmounted at: " $(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)') >> $LOGFILE

## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"
# PROG_NAME  : program name of this script
# LOGFILE    : log file for this script


One of the trickier things to note is how to use rsync. I ran into issues a few times where it would create enc-extHDD/documents/documents/ instead of enc-extHDD/documents. To fix this, ensure that the source ends in a slash and the destination matches the source. It doesn't appear to matter if the destination ends in a slash or not. I also had a couple issues when the rsync ran immediately, so to remedy that, I just added the sleep 5 line.


Hope this helps some other people out there! :)


EDIT: Updated my script. Just did some general cleaning up and put all the directories I wish to back up into an array to loop through instead of specifying them one by one their own rsync commands.

Edited by bamhm182
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On 9/6/2017 at 4:39 PM, kizer said:


That's promising for the future, however, that's outside of the stable release, so I feel like most of us wouldn't be able to use that right this second.


On 9/7/2017 at 7:16 PM, sjohnson said:

Just to ask, why did you use the rsync command, instead of the rclone sync command?


It seemed like rclone was more for the Cloud storage and I have been using rsync for a while. I can't think of any serious reason why I chose rsync over rclone.

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  • 3 months later...

@sjohnson, for some reason my old script stopped backing things up when I would plug in my hard drive, so I've been working on the script. This time I'm using rclone and it seems a lot better. The new script is as follows:



# Variables #
backupDirs=("/documents/My Important Information/"
            "/media/Pictures/dogs, cats, and birds/")
exclude=("VirtualBox VMs/"
         "Random Cats from Town/Terry/"

# Script #

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
    # Actions to perform upon mounting

    # Insert break in Logfile
    /usr/bin/echo -e "\\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"

    excludeFile="/tmp/$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_rclone-excludes.log"

    for ((i=0; i < ${#exclude[@]}; i++)); do
        /usr/bin/echo "${exclude[i]}" >> "$excludeFile"

    if [ -f /usr/sbin/rclone ] && [[ $(pgrep -cf "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote") -eq 0 ]]; then

        # Sync files by looping through $backupDirs Array.
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Started Sync" >> "$LOGFILE"

        for ((i=0; i < ${#backupDirs[@]};i++)); do
            if [ -d "$srcDir${backupDirs[$i]}" ]; then
                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Backing up ${backupDirs[$i]}" >> "$LOGFILE"
                currTrackerFile="/tmp/$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_rclone.log"
                /usr/sbin/rclone sync -vc --log-file "$currTrackerFile" --exclude-from "$excludeFile" --max-size $maxSize "$srcDir${backupDirs[$i]}" "$rcloneRemote${backupDirs[$i]}"

                newCount=$(more "$currTrackerFile" | grep -ci "copied (new)")
                replaceCount=$(tail -7 "$currTrackerFile" | grep -ci "replaced existing")
                noChangeCount=$(( $(tail -7 "$currTrackerFile" | grep -i "Checks:" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f2) - replaceCount ))
                updatedCount=$(( newCount + replaceCount ))
                totalCount=$(( updatedCount + noChangeCount ))
                finalTotalCount=$(( finalTotalCount + totalCount ))
                finalUpdatedCount=$(( finalUpdatedCount + updatedCount ))

                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): $updatedCount/$totalCount files updated." >> "$LOGFILE"
                /usr/bin/sleep 1
                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): $srcDir${backupDirs[$i]} does not exist!" >> "$LOGFILE"

        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Sync Ended" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Totals: $finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated." >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup Completed" -d "Your files have been sucessfully backed up to your external drive.<br/>$finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated.<br/>You may now unmount it." -i "normal"

        if [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*mount.*$rcloneRemote")" -eq 0 ]; then        
            # RClone Mount Directory
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Mounted " >> "$LOGFILE"
            /usr/bin/mkdir -p $destDir
            /usr/sbin/rclone mount --max-read-ahead 1024k --allow-other --allow-non-empty $rcloneRemote $destDir &
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Already Mounted" >> "$LOGFILE"
        if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/rclone ]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): /usr/sbin/rclone does not exist. Please install RClone via Community Applications." >> "$LOGFILE"
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): It seems like RClone is already running. Not running a second time." >> "$LOGFILE"
  'REMOVE' )
    # Actions to perform upon umounting


    # Kill mount script
    while [ "$(pgrep -P 1 -cf "bash.*unassigned.devices/$PROG_NAME.sh")" -gt 0 ]; do
		mapfile -t scriptPS < <(pgrep -P 1 -f "bash.*unassigned.devices/$PROG_NAME.*")

        if [[ ${#scriptPS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting prior to completion. Killing mount script (${scriptPS[*]})" >> "$LOGFILE"
            /bin/kill -9 "${scriptPS[@]}"
            /usr/bin/sleep 1
            loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
            if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then


    # Kill rclone sync processeses
    while [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote")" -gt 0 ]; do
		mapfile -t rclonePS < <(pgrep -f "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote")
        if [[ ${#rclonePS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting prior to completion. Killing rclone sync processes (${rclonePS[*]})" >> "$LOGFILE"
            /bin/kill -9 "${rclonePS[@]}"
        /usr/bin/sleep 1
        loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
        if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then


    # RClone Unmount Directory
    while [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*mount.*$destDir")" -gt 0 ]; do
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting Drive" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /bin/fusermount -u $destDir
        /usr/bin/sleep 1
        loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
        if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then
    /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Safe to Remove" >> "$LOGFILE"

    if [ -d $destDir ]; then
        /usr/bin/rm -r $destDir

errorsVGrep="modify window is\\|waiting for checks\\|waiting for transfers\\|waiting for deletions\\|Transferred:\\|Checks:\\|Elapsed time:\\|Errors:\\s*0\\|INFO\\s*:\\s*$\\|^$\\|copied (new)\\|Copied (replaced existing)\\|Transferring\\|*.*% done\\|::::::::::\\|/tmp/.*rclone.log"

mapfile -t logFiles < <(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone*" | grep -v ".err\\|_rclone-excludes")
for ((i=0; i<${#logFiles[@]}; i++)); do
    mapfile -t errors < <(more "${logFiles[i]}" | grep -iv "$errorsVGrep")
    #errors=$(more "${logFiles[i]}" | grep -iv "$errorsVGrep" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\t\n/g')
    if [ "${#errors[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
	    /usr/bin/echo -e "\\n##### POSSIBLE ERRORS DETECTED #####\\n${logFiles[i]}.err:\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
		for ((j=0; j<${#errors[@]}; j++)); do
			/usr/bin/echo -e "\\t${errors[$j]}" >> "$LOGFILE"
		/usr/bin/echo -e "\\n#####    END OF ERROR LIST     #####\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/bin/mv "${logFiles[i]}" "${logFiles[i]}.err"

#Delete non-error log files
if [ "$deleteLogFiles" = "true" ] && [ "${#nonErrorLogs[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/bin/rm "${nonErrorLogs[@]}"

#Delete rclone-excludes
mapfile -t excludesFiles < <(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone-excludes.log")
if [ "$deleteLogFiles" = "true" ] && [ "${#excludesFiles[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/bin/find /tmp "$(pwd)" -type f -name "*rclone-excludes.log" -exec rm "{}" \;

sleep 1
if [ "$(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone.log.err" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup - Errors Found" -d "Possible error(s) detected.<br/>Check /tmp for .log.err files." -i "warning"

## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label (Name of mount, eg: /mnt/disks/myDrive, this returns "myDrive")
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"
# PROG_NAME  : program name of this script (If script is "/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/123.sh", returns "123")
# LOGFILE    : log file for this script

EDIT: Cleaned it up and put in some error checking and other features that weren't in the script I posted last night.


EDIT 2: Important note, if you're trying to delete a subdirectory of an included directory, (for example, '/media/Pictures/' is in the top list, but you don't want  the "Terry" folder included from '/media/Pictures/Random Cats from Town/Terry/', you have to specify 'Random Cats from Town/Terry' if you don't want any random cats, you have to specify 'Random Cats from Town' if you don't want pictures of Terry from February 13th and you have the files labeled like '20170213_001.png', you could specify something like 'Random Cats from Town/Terry/20140213_*.png" This kind of took me a second to figure out, so I figured it would be worth sharing. Most important thing to note is that you have to specify the folder hierarchy all the way back to the "root" of the current folder set.

Edited by bamhm182
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  • 3 months later...

I got two errors when running it:


/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/USB_Ext.sh: line 64: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/USB_Ext.sh: line 64: ` /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup Completed" -d "Your files have been sucessfully backed up to your external drive.
$finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated.
You may now unmount it." -i "normal"'
/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/USB_Ext.sh: line 74: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/USB_Ext.sh: line 74: ` else'


I've got 2 lines less, so in your script it should be lines 66 and 76. Unfortunately my scripting knowledge is very limited, so help would be appreciated! 

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I've actually been thinking about trying to fix this script up anyway. I plugged in my hard drive the other day and realized that it is currently synchronizing my deletions in addition to my changes. I briefly took a crack at getting it to copy over my new files and leaving old ones as they were, but I couldn't get it to work right and then I got busy. 


For the first error, what happens when you take that line and you open Terminal from the WebGUI and run it in that terminal?

/usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup Completed" -d "Your files have been sucessfully backed up to your external drive.<br/>$finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated.<br/>You may now unmount it." -i "normal"

For the second one, it's kind of hard to see what's going on without having your copy of the code in front of me. I feel like there may be an erroneous line break or character or something somewhere. Can I bother you to copy your entire script, click the < > button at the top of a new message on this forum so I can see what exactly you have? You can feel free to leave off the top lines that pertain only to you if you'd like.

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Strangely I was not able to start the terminal in the WebGUI. I tried it via SSH and got the notification on the WebGUI.


Here is the code: (I did not change anything except the variables)


# Variables #

# Script #

case $ACTION in
  'ADD' )
    # Actions to perform upon mounting

    # Insert break in Logfile
    /usr/bin/echo -e "\\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"

    excludeFile="/tmp/$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_rclone-excludes.log"

    for ((i=0; i < ${#exclude[@]}; i++)); do
        /usr/bin/echo "${exclude[i]}" >> "$excludeFile"

    if [ -f /usr/sbin/rclone ] && [[ $(pgrep -cf "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote") -eq 0 ]]; then

        # Sync files by looping through $backupDirs Array.
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Started Sync" >> "$LOGFILE"

        for ((i=0; i < ${#backupDirs[@]};i++)); do
            if [ -d "$srcDir${backupDirs[$i]}" ]; then
                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Backing up ${backupDirs[$i]}" >> "$LOGFILE"
                currTrackerFile="/tmp/$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')_rclone.log"
                /usr/sbin/rclone sync -vc --log-file "$currTrackerFile" --exclude-from "$excludeFile" --max-size $maxSize "$srcDir${backupDirs[$i]}" "$rcloneRemote${backupDirs[$i]}"

                newCount=$(more "$currTrackerFile" | grep -ci "copied (new)")
                replaceCount=$(tail -7 "$currTrackerFile" | grep -ci "replaced existing")
                noChangeCount=$(( $(tail -7 "$currTrackerFile" | grep -i "Checks:" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f2) - replaceCount ))
                updatedCount=$(( newCount + replaceCount ))
                totalCount=$(( updatedCount + noChangeCount ))
                finalTotalCount=$(( finalTotalCount + totalCount ))
                finalUpdatedCount=$(( finalUpdatedCount + updatedCount ))

                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): $updatedCount/$totalCount files updated." >> "$LOGFILE"
                /usr/bin/sleep 1
                /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): $srcDir${backupDirs[$i]} does not exist!" >> "$LOGFILE"

        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Sync Ended" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Totals: $finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated." >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup Completed" -d "Your files have been sucessfully backed up to your external drive.<br/>$finalUpdatedCount/$finalTotalCount files updated.<br/>You may now unmount it." -i "normal"

        if [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*mount.*$rcloneRemote")" -eq 0 ]; then        
            # RClone Mount Directory
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Mounted " >> "$LOGFILE"
            /usr/bin/mkdir -p $destDir
            /usr/sbin/rclone mount --max-read-ahead 1024k --allow-other --allow-non-empty $rcloneRemote $destDir &
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Already Mounted" >> "$LOGFILE"
        if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/rclone ]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): /usr/sbin/rclone does not exist. Please install RClone via Community Applications." >> "$LOGFILE"
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): It seems like RClone is already running. Not running a second time." >> "$LOGFILE"
  'REMOVE' )
    # Actions to perform upon umounting


    # Kill mount script
    while [ "$(pgrep -P 1 -cf "bash.*unassigned.devices/$PROG_NAME.sh")" -gt 0 ]; do
		mapfile -t scriptPS < <(pgrep -P 1 -f "bash.*unassigned.devices/$PROG_NAME.*")

        if [[ ${#scriptPS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting prior to completion. Killing mount script (${scriptPS[*]})" >> "$LOGFILE"
            /bin/kill -9 "${scriptPS[@]}"
            /usr/bin/sleep 1
            loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
            if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then


    # Kill rclone sync processeses
    while [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote")" -gt 0 ]; do
		mapfile -t rclonePS < <(pgrep -f "rclone.*sync.*$rcloneRemote")
        if [[ ${#rclonePS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
            /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting prior to completion. Killing rclone sync processes (${rclonePS[*]})" >> "$LOGFILE"
            /bin/kill -9 "${rclonePS[@]}"
        /usr/bin/sleep 1
        loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
        if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then


    # RClone Unmount Directory
    while [ "$(pgrep -cf "rclone.*mount.*$destDir")" -gt 0 ]; do
        /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Unmounting Drive" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /bin/fusermount -u $destDir
        /usr/bin/sleep 1
        loopCount=$((loopCount + 1))
        if [[ $loopCount -ge 30 ]]; then
    /usr/bin/echo "$(date '+%H:%M:%S (%Y%m%d)'): Drive Safe to Remove" >> "$LOGFILE"

    if [ -d $destDir ]; then
        /usr/bin/rm -r $destDir

errorsVGrep="modify window is\\|waiting for checks\\|waiting for transfers\\|waiting for deletions\\|Transferred:\\|Checks:\\|Elapsed time:\\|Errors:\\s*0\\|INFO\\s*:\\s*$\\|^$\\|copied (new)\\|Copied (replaced existing)\\|Transferring\\|*.*% done\\|::::::::::\\|/tmp/.*rclone.log"

mapfile -t logFiles < <(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone*" | grep -v ".err\\|_rclone-excludes")
for ((i=0; i<${#logFiles[@]}; i++)); do
    mapfile -t errors < <(more "${logFiles[i]}" | grep -iv "$errorsVGrep")
    #errors=$(more "${logFiles[i]}" | grep -iv "$errorsVGrep" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\t\n/g')
    if [ "${#errors[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
	    /usr/bin/echo -e "\\n##### POSSIBLE ERRORS DETECTED #####\\n${logFiles[i]}.err:\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
		for ((j=0; j<${#errors[@]}; j++)); do
			/usr/bin/echo -e "\\t${errors[$j]}" >> "$LOGFILE"
		/usr/bin/echo -e "\\n#####    END OF ERROR LIST     #####\\n" >> "$LOGFILE"
        /usr/bin/mv "${logFiles[i]}" "${logFiles[i]}.err"

#Delete non-error log files
if [ "$deleteLogFiles" = "true" ] && [ "${#nonErrorLogs[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/bin/rm "${nonErrorLogs[@]}"

#Delete rclone-excludes
mapfile -t excludesFiles < <(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone-excludes.log")
if [ "$deleteLogFiles" = "true" ] && [ "${#excludesFiles[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/bin/find /tmp "$(pwd)" -type f -name "*rclone-excludes.log" -exec rm "{}" \;

sleep 1
if [ "$(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*_rclone.log.err" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unassigned Devices" -s "External Backup - Errors Found" -d "Possible error(s) detected.<br/>Check /tmp for .log.err files." -i "warning"

## Available variables: 
# AVAIL      : available space
# USED       : used space
# SIZE       : partition size
# SERIAL     : disk serial number
# ACTION     : if mounting, ADD; if unmounting, REMOVE
# MOUNTPOINT : where the partition is mounted
# FSTYPE     : partition filesystem
# LABEL      : partition label (Name of mount, eg: /mnt/disks/myDrive, this returns "myDrive")
# DEVICE     : partition device, e.g /dev/sda1
# OWNER      : "udev" if executed by UDEV, otherwise "user"
# PROG_NAME  : program name of this script (If script is "/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/123.sh", returns "123")
# LOGFILE    : log file for this script

Thanks for your help!

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