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Upgrading to V6, wiki needs help


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The Blue Line at the very top of this WIKI article provides a link to a sweet and short guide. This will handle most of the needs of those folks who are/were using unRAID as a simple NAS box.   I was there at the beginning of this WIKI and this WIKI wasn't much longer than the sweet and short guide.  The WIKI is intended for those folks who were using plugins to provide non-NAS services that are better serviced by Dockers and VM's which version 6 provides.  It grew from there as folks encountered more and more issues until it became the document that it is today.  


The biggest problem with breaking the article up is that there is no master index to all of the articles that are in this WIKI.  Finding something in the larger WIKI is almost impossible! (Or, at least,  I never never had any real success in using the search engine...)  There is no overall human manager of it and most of the stuff into was put there by volunteers.  There is even a fair amount of out-of-date stuff.

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