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SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3EG HD203WI 2TB $109.99 NR FS


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I have been reading some frustrated reviews about this drive on New Egg.  Not the overwhelming majority by any means but enough that I would ask if anyone else has had problems with them?  I am thinking it might be nice to go up to 5 drives (including the parity drive). I would have 4 WD 2Tb green drives (with the annoying jumper requirement) and one Samsung.  HmmmN?  Or maybe go to 6 (the maximum supported on my motherboard without a card).  ???


Loving the price and no rebate!

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I have one of these drives and have had no problems with it, so far.  It does run cooler and slower than my 2TB Hitachis.  It's difficult to find drives that have 100% 5 egg customer reviews, as almost every drive can be DOA for any number of reasons.  I avoid WD because I had 2 DOAs in the same order a few years ago.  It's all in what you're comfortable with.  I ordered 2 more of these drives with this special.

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I have 8 of these drives in my server. 4 run of an Adaptec 1430SA card and 4 run of the mobo. Bought one additional drive as it fits in the case and mobo has 5 ports. I plan eventually to add 8 more into the Antec 1200 case. Whenever I want to watch something I turn the beast on and when done I turn it off. I have had it on for several days but did not notice the temperature problem. The ambient temperature in the room can go up to +80F but again so far runs like clock work.

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I ended up buying two drives to max out my onboard Sata connections (I have the recommended Budget Built).  I am just waiting for my Hotswap Bay and I'll be good to go.   FYI:  If you are going to buy the 2nd recommended HotSwap Bay (the one that fits without any modding) you may want to order it a couple of weeks before you even intending on getting your hard drives.  Their basic shipping easily takes two weeks.


Thanks for the feedback people.  Fingers crossed that I am not one of the people who gets the DOA drives.



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I had 3 show up DOA.  All failed SAMRT.  I thought maybe it was my hardware or cables, etc.. but after reading all the comments with identical experience to mine.. I would stay away for the little amount of savings.  I have 4 older samsung drives (1.5s and 1.0s).. all work great.



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Do the SAMSUNGs still have faulty temp sensors?


Here are the temps as reported by unRAID about 1/2 way through a parity verify. Looks like the Samsung 1TB and 1.5TB temps are low. The Samsung 2TB temps are about the same as the 1TB WD temps. Cooling is applied equally to all drives.


parity SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1KZ402326 27°C 1,953,514,552 - 3,906,388 55 0

disk1 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJDWZ203486 22°C 1,465,138,552 42,084 4,796,333 5 0

disk2 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJDWZ203489 22°C 1,465,138,552 72,328 4,811,930 5 0

disk3 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1KZ104867 23°C 1,465,138,552 106,676 4,811,148 9 0

disk4 SAMSUNG_HD203WI_S1UYJ1KZ402327 27°C 1,953,514,552 266,178,072 4,706,472 9 0

disk5 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1KS912520 21°C 1,465,138,552 174,916 3,836,785 6 0

disk6 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJDWZ203484 22°C 1,465,138,552 36,108 4,418,578 5 0

disk7 SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1KS912511 22°C 1,465,138,552 43,128 4,578,191 6 0

disk8 Not installed

disk9 Not installed

disk10 Not installed

disk11 Not installed

disk12 SAMSUNG_HD103SI_S1VSJ9CS620713 20°C 976,762,552 12,528 4,026,030 6 0

disk13 WDC_WD10EADS-00L_WD-WCAU45348001 27°C 976,762,552 256,416 3,945,985 6 0

disk14 WDC_WD10EADS-00L_WD-WCAU47061310 28°C 976,762,552 135,868 3,747,423 6 0

disk15 WDC_WD10EADS-00L_WD-WCAU46899321 28°C 976,762,552 59,424 3,774,993 5 0


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