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UPS Support?


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On my current server (10 320 gig drives IDE raid 5), I'm out of space and for a new server I'm evaluating unRaid (I like the expansion ability :D).


Anyway, my current server is wired in with nut on gentoo, and I was wondering if unRaid supported UPSes?  Basically, I like the server to shut itself down if the UPS is about out of juice.  This was important last week when the power was out for 6 hours...



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don't agree. A gracefull shutdown, after the rest of the house has been without power for a couple of hours, is not my personal priority.

Security, security, security (add the image of a Microsoft executive monkeydance).

then email failure notification.




You wouldn't feel that way if you lost a couple drives in your array when the power went out...  Don't ask how I know [grrrr]

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spinning disk + loss of power can equal head crash into the platters (now new drives are supposed to be better about this, but still)...


When I lived in Venezuela, we had all sorts of power issues and weird things would happen.  Here in the states, I rarely lose power, but in the summer, the brownouts can be bad (with everyone's AC running).


Anyway, it's your data.

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