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How to permanently remove a drive from a server


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I have a drive in my server that is on its way out.  Smart is starting to show an increasing number of errors, so I know it is only a matter of time.  I'm going to start moving the data off the drive this weekend with Krusader, and start excluding the drive from all of my shares.  What I wanted to know is if there is any way to permanently remove a drive from an unRAID array?  I don't have the money at this point to replace the drive, and I don't want it showing as a missing drive and risking parity loss if another drive dies, so I wanted to just reduce my array size from 15 disks to 14; is this possible?  


I've tried looking around and I can't seem to find anything about this, everything I see just talks about replacing a drive that is going bad.  Thanks for any help or advice you can give!

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13 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Basically you have two options, both described here:




Johnnie, you have been amazingly helpful!  Thank you a ton, this is exactly what I was looking for!!!



Actually one more question for you...Let's say I want to keep the drive in the array for now to store temp data that I'm not worried about losing (as it is still passing SMART, but is starting to have a large number of Current Pending Sectors).  I want to move all the data from my shares off of it, exclude it from all the shares, then set up a share that is just that drive. I'm moving the data off the drive now and on to an external drive (so it is preserved either way I go), but can I just go into all my shares and exclude the drive, even though they were originally deployed with all drives included? 


I guess the overall question is, how does unRAID handle it if you decide, after a share has been created and used, to exclude a drive that has previously been used in the share?  Thanks again!!

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Let's say I want to keep the drive in the array for now to store temp data that I'm not worried about losing (as it is still passing SMART, but is starting to have a large number of Current Pending Sectors).

Forgot to mention that this isn't really a very good idea, if a different disk fails having a disk with possible issues might compromise unRAID ability to rebuild that disk.

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22 hours ago, johnnie.black said:



Forgot to mention that this isn't really a very good idea, if a different disk fails having a disk with possible issues might compromise unRAID ability to rebuild that disk.



Ah, good call!  OK, so I'll pull it from the array and just leave it as an unassigned device.  Thanks for bringing up that wonderful point!



Johnnie, I just wanted to thank you again, I've now run through the process of removing the drive from the array and shrinking it, now my parity rebuild is running and seems to be doing well.  I thank you for all your help and insight, you have been AWESOME!!

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