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changing my router


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   I just changed out my router for an eero system (2nd gen).  I have the free port on the eero plugged into a 4 port switch.  my unraid server is plugged into one of the free ports on the switch.  before i switched my router, the unraid server was set up on  Now that I have it hooked to the eero, I am not able to access it


whats weird is that when I go into the eero app and look at the list of connected devices, I do nto see the unraid server in the list.  it shoudl be easy to spot because it is one of the few wired devices.


anyone have any ideas on how to get my unraid server to connect again using the eero router?

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Does your unRAID server have its IP address assigned statically or does it request one from a DHCP server?

What is the LAN-facing IP address of the eero device?

Does the eero router have a DHCP server built in? What range of IP addresses does it use?


If you connect a monitor and keyboard to your unRAID server you can log in to it and type diagnostics at the prompt. Then type poweroff to shut the server down. Now you can remove the boot flash device and plug it into another computer. Copy the diagnostics zip file from the logs folder of the flash device and post here.

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I believe I had it set with a static up address.  


Eero does Do dhcp. 


Its lan facing up is


the dhcp settings for eero are set to automatic.  So I’m not really sure what range it passes out.   Not really sure to find out unless I set it to manual. 


I will I’ll post the diagnostics shortly.  


Thanks for your assistance!!


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You should be able to log into your router and somewhere in its menu system, it will tell what the range it uses is.  Plus, there should a table somewhere in that menu system, that will show at least the IP addresses of the DHCP assigned addresses and quite possibly the name of the computer that it is associated with.  If you are wondering how to do this----  Read The Manual!!!  

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2 hours ago, John_M said:

If your server has a static IP address then is no longer compatible with the router ( So either change it to an a static address that is compatible (such as or set it to request an address from the DHCP server in the router.


Since I am unable to connect to it at the moment, how would I go about changing the IP address on unbraid?

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ok so problem solved.  


first I set the erro DHCP to manual and was able to specify the subnet and IP lease range.  Then I plugged my mac and the unraid server into the old router just so I coudl access it.  Then i set the unraid server to DHCP.


Then when i plugged the unraid server back into the eero it showed up in the eero device list and I was able to select and create a DHCP ip reservation for it.


thanks all for your guidance.  

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