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Case sensitive directory woes


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So I'm in the middle of transferring data over from my old array (drivepool) using Dolphin and I didn't notice till I started the copy that one of the Movies directories had a lowercase "m".
It's still in the middle of the transfer now (2.95TB) but when it is done, how to I go about fixing this?  It seems like it also made a new share as well.  Can I just used dolphin and move the contents from "movies" to "Movies" then delete the directory/share?





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And you must not allow yourself to have multiple shares with the same name except for case. SMB and Windows can't distinguish them and will only show you one of them. This has caused a lot of people to think their files are lost. And you also must not allow any user shares to have the same name as a disk, such as 'cache', 'disk1', etc. Same reason.


You should investigate why you had these in the first place. Often it is caused by a misconfigured docker, where it has specified the volume mappings using the wrong case.


A user share is simply the collection of all top level folders on all disks with the same name, so that explains why you got a share by having the folder. Even if you don't create a share, if the top level folder exists then there is a share with the same name with default settings unless you change them.

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29 minutes ago, trurl said:

And you must not allow yourself to have multiple shares with the same name except for case. SMB and Windows can't distinguish them and will only show you one of them. This has caused a lot of people to think their files are lost. And you also must not allow any user shares to have the same name as a disk, such as 'cache', 'disk1', etc. Same reason.


You should investigate why you had these in the first place. Often it is caused by a misconfigured docker, where it has specified the volume mappings using the wrong case.


A user share is simply the collection of all top level folders on all disks with the same name, so that explains why you got a share by having the folder. Even if you don't create a share, if the top level folder exists then there is a share with the same name with default settings unless you change them.

My old array was drivepool.  These drives are from that.  Since drivepool was in windows, it was probably just me accidently missing the shift key when I made the folder on that particular drive. It never got noticed cause windows doesn't care about case.  The drive is a 8 year old 3TB WD green, one of the oldest drives in my previous array.  After the data is off of it I'm just going to be formatting/testing it and then reusing it elsewhere in the house.

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