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New build I want to make sure I configure my system for my needs


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Hey all first sever build here and I want to ensure I am starting off correctly.  I am tired of having multiple machines each doing different jobs. (plex server, Daily driver, Gaming rig ETC)  so I am building an Unraid server to rule them all.  I have read a bunch and watched a bunch of SpaceInvaders videos which has gotten me this far but have a couple of questions and want to ensure I am going down the right path.  I am using some of my old hardware along with new hardware to build the server. 

Here is what I have so far. 

MB = Asrock Z370 Taichi 

CPU = I7 8700k (stock clock now but may OC it) 

GPU = MSI 980ti

Ram = 32GB Ballistic Sport 2400mhz


2x8TB WD Red drives 1 parity and 1 Share

500GB Samsung 960 Evo M.2 SSD Cache drive right now

250GB Samsung 840 Evo SSD Unassigned right now


Once the Array is built and everything is transferred from my Plex Sever and my Daily Driver I will add another 8TB WD Red and a 3TB WD Red drive to the array. 


So far, I have the software loaded (trial key) the array is built as outlined above and the Parity Synch is about 80% complete. I have also added a few plugins (CA, Fix common Problems, Dynamix apps (Sleep, Sys Temp, Sys Info, Sys Stats and Sys Buttons) As well as Nerd Tools and Unassigned devices) 


Before I go any further I am rethinking a couple of things. 

Because I want to use this as a gaming rig I will need to Build a VM for that then pass through the GPU, but Can I assign the Evo 960 M.2 to a gaming VM only as an unassigned device to store my Games on and make the 250GB Evo 840 the Cache drive or would it be better to have both SSD's as Cache and store my games there? 


If I pass through the GPU can I use the motherboard onboard video as the main output or could I pass through the GPU for each VM I plan on using. Not familiar with VM’s and passing through hardware?



Thanks in advance.


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Ok so using the SSD as Cache I must make them a Raid Array, in that case I sound like it would be better to have my M.2 as an unassigned disc and use for game only on a VM, then use the smaller slower SSD as Cache for the server array.  Any down side in doing it that way? 



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5 hours ago, Lisn2me said:

CPU = I7 8700k (stock clock now but may OC it)

Hi -


Your build is looking good but I really feel like OC'ing an unRAID server is questionable.  If you are using it for data storage, your main priority should be stability - it's a fault tolerant system with built in redundancy.  I recommend that anything you do to your server should be with the goal of rock solid stability.  Besides, the 8700K is a heck of a fast CPU already.

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