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I am wanting to change all my server parts except for the psu and drives. I was looking for support and came across an article 

 that says its quite easy and there shouldn't be anything to worry about. This article was created over a year ago and I wanted to know if this is still true.


Any information is much appreciated.



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No you don't need to use the same order but there are two considerations.  Assuming you are using unRAID 5 or 6+, unRAID tracks disks by serial number and will find them regardless of which port you put them on - but that's different than the old unRAID 4 series.  Also, if your disks are on a RAID controller instead of a JBOD HBA then the serial numbers can get messed up by the RAID controller and cause issues.

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If you've done VMs, passthroughs,  or any docker customizations to limit CPUs you will have some work to do to re-setup that stuff with the new motherboard. To move the array is pretty easy. 


I would be worried about a RAID controller that is not reported as compatible in JBOD mode though. If the disks are not recognized at their proper size and you try to format them or use them in unRAID, you'd lost your data. I'd stick with a proven controller or do an experiment with one disk that contains nothing of value to make sure it works with the RAID controller.

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