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Keeping losing access over network


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I just installed unRAID for the first time last night but I have had the network connection go down and not allow me to access the computer over the gui.  I don't know what to do besides reboot the computer and once it is back up and running it is fine for awhile.  Is there any reason this would be happening.  I would try to look at the logs but I can't get to them when the network connection is down.  Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this or fix this?  I am running version 6.4.1

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Plug in a monitor and keyboard and login as root, then type diagnostics at the prompt. This will create a diagnostics zip file in the logs folder on your USB flash device. Attach that file to your next post.


Have you replaced the network cable/tried a different port on your switch?

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No I have not tried another network cable or port.   This computer is using a Ryzen chip so after I posted I did some more digging and found I needed to add the code below.  So this was done before I ran the diagnostic but i am posting what I have.  Take a look and see if there is anything weird and I will run it and see if I am still having issues and will update with what I find.

/usr/local/sbin/zenstates --c6-disable
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Ok I will look into updating the BIOS.  So far I have had better results with the disable C state but I am not sure I understand what that is yet.  It sounds like doing it through the BIOS is a better option.  As far as "losing network connection" when I type in the IP address I am not able to access the gui.  I think I server is not frozen but rather something to do with the C state although I haven't researched it enough yet.  It seems like the server is still operating when I have the keyboard and monitor plugged in.  

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