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changing hardware


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i going to change to hardware of my unraid system

going to change MB, CPU, memory cards and add 1 SSD hd.

going to add extension slot for more 2 HDD 

it will work with this? (new MB is Asus H81M-A)





also, how can i do the rebuild without damage any data?


thanks guys!


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Why did you pick this MB?  It has only only four sata ports and one 16X expansion  slot, and two memory slots.  You would be better served by looking for a MB with six SATA ports, (at least), two long expansion slots (even if one is only 8X) and four memory slots.  I believe you will find such a MB for close to the price of that Asus H81M-A MB plus the plugin card.  And you will have many more options for expansion in the future.  (Plus, the X1 slots are virtually unless.  Those cheap SATA cards you asked about...  Just look at the percentage of one-star reviews for an indication of user satisfaction!  If you insist on going this route, look for ones with a better rating.) 


unRAID is virtually hardware agnostic for the basic NAS functions.  (Not really true if you are into running VM's.)  You should not lose any data by the hardware changes you are proposing.  I would suggest that you run a parity check first and if that completes without an error, you are (almost) ready to go.  I would, at that point, get a printout of all the drive assignments on the Main tab of the GUI.  You are now ready for the changeout.

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1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

Why did you pick this MB?  It has only only four sata ports and one 16X expansion  slot, and two memory slots.  You would be better served by looking for a MB with six SATA ports, (at least), two long expansion slots (even if one is only 8X) and four memory slots.  I believe you will find such a MB for close to the price of that Asus H81M-A MB plus the plugin card.  And you will have many more options for expansion in the future.  (Plus, the X1 slots are virtually unless.  Those cheap SATA cards you asked about...  Just look at the percentage of one-star reviews for an indication of user satisfaction!  If you insist on going this route, look for ones with a better rating.) 


unRAID is virtually hardware agnostic for the basic NAS functions.  (Not really true if you are into running VM's.)  You should not lose any data by the hardware changes you are proposing.  I would suggest that you run a parity check first and if that completes without an error, you are (almost) ready to go.  I would, at that point, get a printout of all the drive assignments on the Main tab of the GUI.  You are now ready for the changeout.



Hey, thank you for respond

about this MB, i have it already, from another PC that i dont use.

i dont want to waste money now on this,only on Sata card, and in the future, if i want to expansion, i will just change the HD to bigger ones.


about the Sata card, i chose it by looking on this : http://lime-technology.com/wiki/Hardware_Compatibility#PCI_SATA_Controllers

this is only the chippest that "working". do you have other suggetions?




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OK, I understand where you are coming from on your choice of MB.  That was not apparent to me.  


About the SATA card.  Two things.  First, I would avoid any card using  the MARVELL chip set.  See here for reason:





Second, as I said earlier, I would be looking for a card where the 1-star ratings were under ten percent.  (I can tell you from personal experience that these cheap cards are prone to failure.  I have one old disk that tone of these cards failed and the disk is now failing (occuring to the SMART data stored on the disk) because of the errors that controller was throwing out as it went down!  I know it was the SATA controller because it has had about six preclear cycles since that point in time with a single additional failure!) 


I, personally, would recommend using a card based on the LSI chip set.  You can find a list of cards that work straight out of the box in this post here:





If you are willing to shop on E-Bay, you can find these cards in the $60US to $90US range from reputable vendors.   (Be sure that the cards are specified as being genuine LSI as that are vendors in China making cheap rip-offs.  Personally, I would buy from a USA based vendor with a good reputation.)   While the price may seem high compared to the cheap two-port cards, these are the same cards that are  OEM'ed by vendors like Dell, Hp and IBM in their commercial servers.  Plus, you are getting eight ports rather than two ports so the cost per port isn't that high.  I recently picked up a used Hp H220 Card that was reflashed by the vendor to the IT mode for about $77.00US.  

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can you give me examples of models that i can choose and buy? i prefer Amazon because they ship fastest to my country, but ebay is also good.

60$-90$ its little bit expensive for me right now, before shipping. if its give me more than 2HDD to add, so maybe its worth it.

in the end, i need this system to be downloads center, storage, and Plex media server - to run bluray data.


again, thank you, cheers.

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The basic information is right in the first post in the second link in my last post.




.... the currently recommended 8 ports controllers are LSI, any LSI with a SAS2008/2308/3008 chipset in IT mode, e.g., 9201-8i, 9211-8i, 9207-8i, 9300-8i, etc and clones, like the Dell H200/H310 and IBM M1015, these latter ones need to be crossflashed.


Those are the LSI model numbers (9201-8i, 9211-8i, ...)  and you can usually find them new.  They should work right out the box. You can find them listed on Amazon but I have found the price much higher than E-BAY.   The Dell a and IBM models are 'used' and required crossflashing to the IT mode.  You can do this yourself or buy the service from the vendor (in the increased cost of the card for the service). 

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the only cards that i found with full 5 star reviews is this:




the same.

i dont need to Raid option, we have it already on the Unraid system, am i wrong?

in this price, we cant find MB that will avoid Sata card? 

i try to avoid the expense, but if its the only option that will run smoothly, so let it be (:


what do you think




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I would suggest that you order from a US vendor who promises that it will be a 9211-8i that runs in IT mode.  I suspect that some cards are miss labeled as 9211-8i.  Here are a couple of links to two vendors (and I didn't spend much time looking):






Notice that both of these boards have the LSI logo in plain view.  You have to be careful as there have been reports of folks being ripped off by China vendors who are selling fake LSI cards.  It can be very difficult to get resolution from an overseas vendor especially one in China.  


One more thing.  You need forward breakout cables to connect the card to your SATA hard drives.   They come in two basic lengths 1M (common) and .5M  (less common) in length.  If you can use the .5M cables, get them and you will have much less of a problem of what to do with that extra .5m length of cable.  :D   You can save a bit of money by only buying one cable (will connect four hard drives to the controller)


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