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Why can I not install Windows VM on the disk?

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Hello eveyone,

I am getting this error message when I want to install Windows 10 on a VM.

I installed the Virtio drivers (the ones for windows 10) which made the disk show up but then now I can't go on and start the setup.




The text in french reads "Windows cannot be installed on this disk. This may be because the hardware does not support booting from this disk. Check the disk controller of this disk is activated in the BIOS menu of your computer."


What am I doing wrong? I don't get it :( 

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2 minutes ago, bonienl said:

Did you install the virtio driver for disk access (viostor)?


Click on install driver (charger un pilote) and select the CD-drive which holds the virtio drivers. See viostor -> w10 -> amd64.


Thank you for your quick help.


I have indeed already install the vritio drivers from viostor, which is why the disk now shows up. But for some reason Windows will not let me install W10 on this disk

Edited by CiaoCiao
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Okay I might have found what was wrong.


For some reason, I had not set the correct VirtIO driver folder location in the "VM Manager" settings. The iso did however show up when creating a VM which lead me to thinking that was fine. I had noticed that the interfces were set to IDE but for some reason changing them manually to SATA would (at that time) prevent me from booting the VM.

I now have set the correct iso folder location in the VM Manager and now several things have changed :

  • when creating a VM the interface settings are already on "SATA"
  • The VM boots no problem
  • I can install Windows on the disk once the virtio drivers are installed.

Thanks anyway @bonienl :) 

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