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no image mounted at /var/lib/docker


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I converted my cache drive to XFS from BTRFS. Now Docker isn't mounting the docker.img file:

root@karmic:/etc/rc.d# ./rc.docker  start
no image mounted at /var/lib/docker

root@karmic:/etc/rc.d# ls -al /mnt/cache/docker.img
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 21474836480 Mar 26 00:23 /mnt/cache/docker.img

root@karmic:/etc/rc.d# file /mnt/cache/docker.img
/mnt/cache/docker.img: BTRFS Filesystem sectorsize 4096, nodesize 16384, leafsize 16384, UUID=5b444563-10e4-45db-aafc-1a5acc33c9ce, 19472728064/21474836480 bytes used, 1 devices

Does the docker.img file need to be recreated for some odd reason like the underlying format of the cache drive?

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