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Grafana Plex Info (Python issue)

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Hi folks, I'm trying to pull my Plex data into my Grafana dashboard (via InfluxDB). I found this script which looks promising (https://github.com/barrycarey/Plex-Data-Collector-For-InfluxDB), however I can't figure out how to implement it. I tried installing it in MyScripts only to realize that unRAID doesn't have Python3 built in. I then tried to use this dockerized version, but I can't figure out how to make it work as the docker container can't seem to find the script (though I've mapped it as the error messages suggest). Any ideas how I can accomplish this (or other ideas about pulling Plex data into grafana)? Many thanks!

Edited by zandrsn
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  • 6 months later...
8 hours ago, k1ng said:

Hey Zandrsn, I have the same issue as you :/.  Any luck on your side yet?

I was able to resolve this by running these commands before executing the py file.



sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install influxdb
python3 -m pip install plexapi imdbpy tqdm
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 plexcollector.py

I am able to now collect Plex data in grafana, but I am still not able to get unraid data into grafana. I'd love to get the array information, details of individal disks etc. BUt none seems to be helping on this forum when it comes to grafana.

Edited by Socrates
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Hey Zandrsn, I have the same issue as you .  Any luck on your side yet?


I was able to get this to work, but ended up doing so by creating a lightweight docker container based in Alpine OS that runs an executable shell script (plexpyinfluxexport.sh) to install the correct dependencies and the python script linked above (I think, though honestly, after having tried so many different ways to get this working, I can’t remember exactly where I got it from :-/ ). Together they have the container collect plex data from Tautulli and send it to InfluxDB (which Grafana can then access).


Anyway, here are the scripts if you’re interested. You’ll just need to figure out how create a docker container that will run them.



 #!/usr/bin/pythonimport timeimport argparse # for arg parsing...import json # for parsing jsonimport requestsfrom requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarningfrom multiprocessing import Processfrom datetime import datetime, timedelta # for obtaining the curren time and formatting itfrom influxdb import InfluxDBClient # via apt-get install python-influxdbrequests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # suppress unverified cert warningsplexpy_url_format = '{0}://{1}:{2}{4}/api/v2?apikey={3}'def main():   print "Started"   args = parse_args()   plexpy_url = get_url(args.plexpywebprotocol, args.plexpyhost, args.plexpyport, args.plexpyapikey, args.plexpybaseurl)   influxdb_client = InfluxDBClient(args.influxdbhost, args.influxdbport, args.influxdbuser, args.influxdbpassword, args.influxdbdatabase)   create_database(influxdb_client, args.influxdbdatabase)   init_exporting(args.interval, plexpy_url, influxdb_client)def parse_args():   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export plexpy data to influxdb')   parser.add_argument('--interval', type=int, required=False, default=5, help='Interval of export in seconds')   parser.add_argument('--plexpywebprotocol', type=str, required=False, default="http", help='PlexPy web protocol (http)')   parser.add_argument('--plexpyhost', type=str, required=False, default="localhost", help='PlexPy host (test.com))')   parser.add_argument('--plexpyport', type=int, required=False, default=8181, help='PlexPy port')   parser.add_argument('--plexpyapikey', type=str, required=True, default="", help='PlexPy API key')   parser.add_argument('--plexpybaseurl', type=str, required=False, default="", help='Base/Root url for PlexPy')   parser.add_argument('--influxdbhost', type=str, required=False, default="localhost", help='InfluxDB host')   parser.add_argument('--influxdbport', type=int, required=False, default=8086, help='InfluxDB port')   parser.add_argument('--influxdbuser', type=str, required=False, default="", help='InfluxDB user')   parser.add_argument('--influxdbpassword', type=str, required=False, default="", help='InfluxDB password')   parser.add_argument('--influxdbdatabase', type=str, required=False, default="plexpy", help='InfluxDB database')   return parser.parse_args()def get_activity(plexpy_url,influxdb_client):   try:       data = requests.get('{0}{1}'.format(plexpy_url, '&cmd=get_activity'), verify=False).json()       if data:           total_stream_count = int(data['response']['data']['stream_count'])           # loop over the streams           sessions = data['response']['data']['sessions']           users = {}           total_stream_playing_count = 0           transcode_stream_count = 0           transcode_stream_playing_count = 0           direct_play_stream_count = 0           direct_play_stream_playing_count = 0           direct_stream_stream_count = 0           direct_stream_stream_playing_count = 0           concurrent_stream_user_count = 0           concurrent_stream_user_diffip_count = 0           for s in sessions:               # check for concurrent streams               su = s['user']               ip = s['ip_address']               if users.has_key(su):                   concurrent_stream_user_count += 1                   if ip not in users[su]:                       users[su].append(ip)               else:                   users[su] = [ip]               playing = s['state'] == 'playing'               if s['transcode_decision'] == 'direct play':                   direct_play_stream_count += 1                   if playing:                       direct_play_stream_playing_count += 1               else:                   if s['video_decision'] == 'copy':                       direct_stream_stream_count += 1                       if playing:                           direct_stream_stream_playing_count += 1                   else: # transcode = 'transcode'                       transcode_stream_count += 1                       if playing:                           transcode_stream_playing_count += 1               if s['state'] == 'playing':                   total_stream_playing_count += 1           # determine how many concurrent users with diff IPs we have           for k,v in users.items():               if len(v) > 1:                   concurrent_stream_user_diffip_count += 1           json_body = [                   {                           "measurement": "get_activity",                           "time": datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),                           "fields" : {                                   "stream_count": total_stream_count,                                   "stream_playing_count": total_stream_playing_count,                                   "stream_transcode_count": transcode_stream_count,                                   "stream_transcode_playing_count": transcode_stream_playing_count,                                   "stream_directplay_count": direct_play_stream_count,                                   "stream_directplay_playing_count": direct_play_stream_playing_count,                                   "stream_directstream_count": direct_stream_stream_count,                                   "stream_directstream_playing_count": direct_stream_stream_playing_count,                                   "user_concurrent_count": concurrent_stream_user_count,                                   "user_concurrent_diffip_count": concurrent_stream_user_diffip_count                           }                   }           ]           influxdb_client.write_points(json_body)   except Exception as e:       print str(e)       passdef get_users(plexpy_url,influxdb_client):   try:       data = requests.get('{0}{1}'.format(plexpy_url, '&cmd=get_users'), verify=False).json()       if data:           users = data['response']['data']           total_users = len(users)           total_home_users = 0           for s in users:               if s['is_home_user'] == '1':                   total_home_users += 1           json_body = [               {                   "measurement": "get_users",                   "time": datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),                   "fields" : {                       "user_count": total_users,                       "home_user_count": total_home_users                   }               }           ]           influxdb_client.write_points(json_body)   except Exception as e:       print str(e)       passdef get_libraries(plexpy_url,influxdb_client):   try:       data = requests.get('{0}{1}'.format(plexpy_url, '&cmd=get_libraries'), verify=False).json()       if data:           libraries = data['response']['data']           utcnow = datetime.utcnow()           json_body = []           for l in libraries:               utcnow = utcnow + timedelta(milliseconds=1)               json_body.append({                   "measurement": "get_libraries",                   "time": utcnow.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'),                   "fields" : {                       "section_name": l['section_name'],                       "section_type": l['section_type'],                       "count": num(l.get('count', 0)),                       "child_count": num(l.get('child_count', 0))                   }               })           influxdb_client.write_points(json_body)   except Exception as e:       print str(e)       passdef num(s):   try:       return int(s)   except ValueError:       return float(s)def create_database(influxdb_client, database):   try:       influxdb_client.query('CREATE DATABASE {0}'.format(database))   except Exception as e:       print str(e)   passdef init_exporting(interval, plexpy_url, influxdb_client):   while True:       getactivity = Process(target=get_activity, args=(plexpy_url,influxdb_client,))       getactivity.start()       getusers = Process(target=get_users, args=(plexpy_url,influxdb_client,))       getusers.start()       getlibs = Process(target=get_libraries, args=(plexpy_url,influxdb_client,))       getlibs.start()       time.sleep(interval)def get_url(protocol,host,port,apikey,baseurl):   base = ""   if baseurl:       base = "/{}".format(baseurl)   return plexpy_url_format.format(protocol,host,port,apikey,base)if __name__ == '__main__':   main()






 #!/bin/shif command -v /usr/bin/python &>/dev/null; then   echo "Container ready..."else   echo "Container appears reset..."   echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main" >> /etc/apk/repositories   echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community" >> /etc/apk/repositories   echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing" >> /etc/apk/repositories   apk add --update python   apk add py-pip   pip install influxdbfi./scripts/plexpy_influxdb_export.py --interval 30 --plexpyhost "" --plexpyapikey "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --influxdbhost "" --influxdbdatabase "plexpy"



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