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Server keeps locking up. Unable to capture syslog. Need troubleshooting advice.


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A couple of weeks ago I posted a topic stating that I thought I had a bad cache drive. link

I ended up coming to the conclusion that it was just a bad docker image and recreated my image and containers.


Fast forward 1 week and my server was completely locked up. I could not even login locally to the console and could not capture logs. The image shows the text on screen before I rebooted on 4/21



Within the past few days, I have had more lockups of my server. No web access, ssh, ping, or console access. Even pressing the power button on my server to initiate a powerdown will not work. Instead the process hangs as pictured below.




I have been able to "raise a skinny elephant" after each lockup to get the closest thing as possible to a clean shutdown, but its not enough to prevent a parity sync upon reboot.


Here are the timestamps of each time my server has stopped responding over the last few weeks:

21 Apr 2018 17:58:52

28 Apr 2018 23:26:53

29 Apr 2018 08:10:50

02 May 2018 05:48:53

02 May 2018 05:48:53


I have attached current diagnostics, but I know they likely won't containing much helpful info since I rebooted once again a couple of hours ago.


I suspect one of my cache drives is to blame, but I'm unsure how to troubleshoot or verify this. I have disabled the cache drive on all my shares for the time being. Docker containers are stopped while parity sync is running. 


Is there any kind of diagnostics I can run on my cache drives to figure out if one of them is causing my issues? Or should I try to troubleshoot something else.



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Install the  Fix Common Problems   plugin and turn on the 'troubleshooting mode'.   That will write log files to the   logs   folder/directory on your flash drive.  There may be some clue as to what is happening in one of them.  


You also need to provide a list of the plugins and dockers that you are running.  

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Thanks. Fix common problems has been installed and troubleshooting mode is enabled.


output of docker container ls --all below:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                    NAMES
ef53c1ff29d2        linuxserver/sonarr:latest     "/init"                  4 days ago          Exited (0) 2 hours ago                               Sonarr
93ff34511b14        linuxserver/radarr            "/init"                  4 days ago          Exited (0) 2 hours ago                               radarr
506b5070f9e4        yoshiofthewire/hdhomerundvr   "/usr/bin/supervis..."   11 days ago         Exited (0) 2 hours ago                               hdhomerundvr
c7f3f534f114        sparklyballs/sparkly-mythtv   "/sbin/my_init"          2 weeks ago         Exited (2) 2 hours ago                               MythTv
a87a0107f699        aptalca/guacamole             "/sbin/my_init"          2 weeks ago         Up 2 hours        >8080/tcp   Guacamole
ebb2b7c6452a        gfjardim/crashplan            "/sbin/my_init"          2 weeks ago         Exited (0) 31 minutes ago                            CrashPlan


Installed plugins:

CA Auto Update Applications

CA Backup / Restore Appdata

CA Cleanup Appdata

Community Applications

Dynamix Active Streams

Dynamix Cache Directories

Dynamix SSD TRIM

Dynamix System Statistics
Fix Common Problems

Nerd Tools

Open Files

ssh Plugin


Unassigned Devices

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