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First ever drive problem, not sure what to do


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Hi all!


I've been using unRAID for a couple of years now with zero issues. I've just bought a new drive as I was running out of space. Ran a preclear (1 cycle) which passed, so I added the drive to the array. It's just attempted it's weekly parity check which failed (aborted) and the new drive is now listed as Faulty.

Thing is, I've never had any problems before so I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do here. unRAID is telling me there's a Current Pending Sector. I've attached the SMART report if someone could shed some light on what it all means.


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Finally got a replacement drive (attempt 3, the second one was 2nd hand with 29000 hours on the clock!). Just started a preclear.


Couple more questions;


1. How long (roughly) would a rebuild take? All 5 drives are 3TB, 3 of which are about 95% full and the drive that failed only had about 8GB of data on it.

2. If it's going to be a lengthy rebuild process is there any way to skip it and not recover the data? I'm not bothered about the files that were lost...



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2 hours ago, riggs said:

How long (roughly) would a rebuild take? All 5 drives are 3TB, 3 of which are about 95% full and the drive that failed only had about 8GB of data on it.

About the same as a parity check


2 hours ago, riggs said:

If it's going to be a lengthy rebuild process is there any way to skip it and not recover the data? I'm not bothered about the files that were lost...

You could do a new config and resync parity, but it will take roughly the same time.

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