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New setup teething problems with data & disk management

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I'm new to Unraid and have spent the last few days figuring out how the system manages data. I have a couple of questions/issues:


I added a freshly precleared disk to a single disk array then noticed the filesystem was listed as 'auto' instead of HFS, so formatted it (i realise this is dumb but I'm curious to see what will happen and how to fix it). Now my shares are no longer visible and docker can't start. I can view the share & system folders by clicking on the 1st disk in the array, the second disk contains nothing. Is there any way to restore the files & folders?


Is it better/easier to have one large share containing everything (media) or lots of little shares (tv, movies, music). I can't see much benefit from creating many small shares despite it being recommended by a number of users, it seems like more trouble.


Should all my docker containers use the UID of a new user and not root?


I can't seem to get both cache drives to play nicely, there are two separate 120GB drives in my OCZ RevoDrive 350 PCIe SSD however the first slot is "Unmountable: No pool uuid" the second has no listed filesystem - I added a screenshot of the disks in my array.


EDIT: I tried formatting the cache disk but no luck. Still "Unmountable: No pool uuid"



Screen Shot 2018-07-01 at 12.56.43 pm.png

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Ok thanks. I'm not sure I completely understand, the disk was added to the array then formatted a few moments later. Given there was no data on the formatted disk, shouldn't the data still reside intact on the original disk? By the way, nothing important was lost I'm just trying to get my head around how the system works.


Diagnostics attached, thanks. I'm attempting to preclear the SSDs. Should be done in a few mins.

EDIT: no luck after preclearing cache drives




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23 minutes ago, enmesh-parisian-latest said:

Given there was no data on the formatted disk, shouldn't the data still reside intact on the original disk?

Not understanding your question, when a disk is formatted all data is deleted on that disk, what do you mean by the original disk?

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There was a single disk in the array with some docker containers and some test media, I added a new disk to the array, started the array, then formatted the new disk. The formatted disk had no data on it


EDIT: I went Tools > diagnostics > download. That's the zip file which downloaded. Did I miss something?


Regarding the data, I hit "new config" in tools and now have my shares and docker images back, but I'm not completely sure why that worked.

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1 hour ago, enmesh-parisian-latest said:

There was a single disk in the array with some docker containers and some test media, I added a new disk to the array, started the array, then formatted the new disk.

Ah, OK, misunderstood, in that case formatting the disk would affect anything.


1 hour ago, enmesh-parisian-latest said:

EDIT: I went Tools > diagnostics > download. That's the zip file which downloaded.

No it's not, those aren't the diagnostics, hint, the file name contains the word diagnostics.

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