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Need to upgrade past V6.2.1


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Currently using V6.2.1, I have been under plugins but there is no updates found... 

I backed my USB up then copied across the new release files  (bzroot, bzimage, bzroot-gui), popped it back in my HP microserver 


But gets as far as cannot find "bond0" then throws me a 165.254 ip address and craps out on me

then comes up with a line 54 Segmentation fault /usr/local/sbin/emhttpd



Any help or even past versions I could possibly try would be amazing, literally only signed up recently because this is the only fault I have ever came across...



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7 minutes ago, trurl said:

Did you take care of everything in the Update Notes?





Hi, thanks for the speedy reply

Iv'e been on the wiki (should of done that first...) 



Possible upgrade issues

Having problems after the update? See below for common issues and solutions.

The new release does not show up after clicking Check for Updates button

In this case, manually install the update as follows:

  1. Navigate to Plugins/Install Plugin tab
  2. Select/copy this text https://raw.githubusercontent.com/limetech/unRAIDServer/master/unRAIDServer.plg
  3. Paste into URL field and click Install



Popped the github link in my plugins install and it pulled down the new update


Cheers for your time though! 

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